TypeScript package to create photo books with the Magicbook API.
TypeScript package to create photo books with the MagicBook API.
npm install @magiclabs.ai/magicbook-client
Create a MagicBook API client instance with your API key.
const client = new MagicBookClient('api-key')`
Initiate the creation of a photo book by creating a design request. The design request can be initialized by passing parameters (design choices) to the initialization object.
const designRequest = await client.createDesignRequest({
userId: 'd72f1bbc-80c1-4338-987d-ca3eff058305' // Required value
title: 'Australia 2023',
occasion: 'travel',
style: '1234',
bookSize: '8x8',
coverType: 'hc',
pageType: 'sp'
Individual parameters can also be set directly on the design request instance (except for userId
const designRequest = await client.createDesignRequest()
;(designRequest.title = 'Australia 2023'),
(designRequest.occasion = 'travel'),
(designRequest.style = '1234'),
(designRequest.bookSize = '8x8'),
(designRequest.coverType = 'hc'),
(designRequest.pageType = 'sp')
As images are getting ready to be handed over to MagicBook, for example when successfully uploaded, add them to the design request object.
import {Image} from '@magiclabs.ai/magicbook-client'
const image: Image = {...}
await designRequest.images.add(image)
To remove an image, you can invoke the delete function as follows:
await designRequest.images.delete(imageId)
This would typically be done in an event handler connected to the image manager.
window.addEventListener('ImageManager.ImageUploaded', async (item) => {
const image: DesignRequestImage = {...}
await designRequest.images.add(image)
Optionally, you can retrieve design options for the design request by calling the getOptions
method, providing the total number of images selected by the user. The returned object contains the image densities (i.e. page count and image per page estimations)
const selectedImageCount = 200
const designOptions = designRequest.getOptions(selectedImageCount)
Before submitting the design request to MagicBook, register a callback to receive update events.
async((designRequestEvent: DesignRequestEvent) => {
}) as EventListener
Submit the design request. Again, the argument object can receive additional or updated design parameters. You can submit multiple design requests by calling this function after receiving the "ready" event from the previous one.
await designRequest.submit({
imageDensity: 'high',
imageFilteringLevel: 'best',
embellishmentLevel: 'few',
textStickerLevel: 'none'
After submitting you can set a GUID to the design request.
await designRequest.setGuid('a9ccb406-015a-47df-bb59-ea171b8617ca')
Once the design request is complete, retrieve it in JSON format.
// format: 'galleon' | 'snapfish'
await designRequest.getJSON(format)
You can get alternate layouts for a specific page. Optionally, you can pass surfaceCategoryName if your style supports it (only Snapfish).
await designRequest.getAlternateLayouts(-1, 'cover' | 'inside')
When a user performs a specific action, log it by calling the logEvent
await designRequest.logEvent('book.viewed', data)
Usage as script
For example using express convert to static route
app.use('/scripts/magicbook-client', express.static(__dirname + '/node_modules/@magiclabs.ai/magicbook-client'))
<!doctype html>
<script type="text/javascript">
const client = new MagicLabs.MagicBookClient('api-key')
To see the MagicBook client in action, run the following commands (make sure you created a .env
file before building):
npm run build
cd example
npm i
npm run dev