For processing and outputing files using openai api
Perform bulk actions on a all nested files in a folder using natural language.
Currently only supports text based files like txt
, programming language scripting files
, csv
Support for media files, images, videos and their instruction coming soon
Script for processing files in a folder using ai
This is a library for automatically performing actions on a lot of files in a folder and generating an output folder
NOTE: Using OpenAI cost money so be careful of using this on very large folders with nested subfolders.
Run npm install -g @magicaldb/ai-file-processor
to install the library and then you can use ai-file-processor --help
Use npx @magicaldb/ai-file-processor
directly to use the library directly without installation.
RUN npx @magicaldb/ai-file-processor --help
to see arguments
You need to have nodejs installed.
You want to convert all js files in a repository from javascript to typescript
Example 1
With installation:
ai-file-processor -k "OPEN_AI_KEY" -if "code-repository/" -gp "*.js" -i "convert the content of the file to typescript. Make sure you maintain the same functionality, signature and method names. Dont change anything that doesnt have tio change. All functionalities must be the same. Return only the typescript code and nothing else"
Without installation:
npx @magicaldb/ai-file-processor -k "OPEN_AI_KEY" -if "code-repository/" -gp "*.js" -i "convert the content of the file to typescript. Make sure you maintain the same functionality, signature and method names. Dont change anything that doesnt have tio change. All functionalities must be the same. Return only the typescript code and nothing else"
Example 2 Without installation:
Automatically write test scripts for all the files in a folder
npx @magicaldb/ai-file-processor -k "OPEN_AI_KEY" -if "code-repository/" -gp "*.js" -i "Write comprehensive and complete unit test with jest for the content of the file. Make sure you capture all the edge cases and complete the test yourself, Only return the test code and nothing else"
Example 3 Without installation:
Generate a summary for all the files in a folder
npx @magicaldb/ai-file-processor -k "OPEN_AI_KEY" -if "folder/" -gp "*.txt" -i "Summarise the content of the files ..."
It supports filtering files using glob patterns e.g to filter only txt files pass "*.txt". By default any file with node_modules and in the path is fiiltered out
Using command line (CLI)
Make sure nodejs is installed
npx @magicaldb/ai-file-processor -k "OPEN_AI_API_KEY" -gp "*.txt" -if ./example-data/ -i "Answer the question in the file provided" -ig "node_modules,package-lock.json"
"-k, --key <key>", "OpenAI API key"
"-if, --inputFolder <inputFolder>", "Path to the folder to process"
"-i, --instruction <instruction>", "Instruction text"
"-gp, --globPattern <globPattern>",
"Optional glob pattern for filtering file names e.g *.txt"
"-ig, --ignoreList <ignorelist>", "Optional Files to ignore seperated by ,. The ignore list has to match the absolute path of the file. Use glob pattern for a more flexible option"
When the CLI is used, the output files will be in a subfolder to the input folder ai_output_<Date>
e.g <input folder path>/ai_output_1691837703331/...
Using npm module
folderPath: string,
outputFilePathGenerator: (inputFilePath: string) => string,
instruction: string,
opts: { ignoreFileList?: string[]; fileRegex?: RegExp },
onComplete: (opts: {
completedFilesList: string[];
failedFilesList: string[];
pendingFilesList: string[];
allFilesList: string[];
}) => Promise<void>
import { AiFileProcessor } from "ai-file-processor";
const fileProcessor = new AiFileProcessor(openAiKey);
await fileProcessor.processFilesInFolder(
ignoreFileList:["node_modules", ".gitignore"],
globPattern: "*.tx"
async (opts) => {
console.log("Processing completed:", opts);