Utilities helps when migrating to ESM projects
Utilities help to migrate your Node.js projects to ESM projects.
All utility functions here don't require you to supply import.meta.url and will use the function caller file's path as the base.
All required dependencies are bundled -- no need to install any dependencies.
* Allow to require modules relative to the caller file.
* require() is not support in ESM modules. This function provides a workaround when you have to use require() in ESM modules.
* e.g. use to load JSON files.
* Or use to load legacy commonjs modules where formal `import` syntax is not convenient.
* e.g. load legacy commonjs modules without type definition files.
* Please note: before use this function, you should try to use `import` syntax whenever possible.
* @param {string} id
* @return {*} {*}
export declare function require(id: string): any;
export declare function requireResolve(id: string): string;
* This is an ESM replacement for `__filename`.
* Use it like this: `__filename()`.
export declare const __filename: () => string;
* Alias of `__filename`.
export declare const getCurrentFilePath: () => string;
* This is an ESM replacement for `__dirname`.
* Use it like this: `__dirname()`.
export declare const __dirname: () => string;
* Alias of `__dirname`.
export declare const getCurrentDirPath: () => string;
* Indicates that the script was run directly.
* This is an ESM replacement for `require.main === module`.
* Use it like this: `isMain()`.
export declare const isMain: () => boolean;