MAGDA Create Secrets Tool
MAGDA create-secrets Tool
A CLI tool that helps to create kuberneter secrets required by Magda.
$ npm install --global @magda/create-secrets
To update the existing installation to the latest version:
$ npm install --global @magda/create-secrets@latest
- Run without options will show the questionnaire to guide you through the process:
$ create-secrets
magda-create-secrets tool version: x.xx.x
Found previous saved config (September 2nd 2020, 1:58:17 pm).
? Do you want to connect to kubernetes cluster to create secrets without going through any questions?
❯ NO (Going through all questions)
YES (Create Secrets in Cluster using existing config now)
- Run with --help will show all options:
$ create-secrets --help
Usage: create-secrets [options]
A tool for magda k8s secrets setup. Version: x.x.xx
-V, --version output the version number
-E, --execute [configFilePath] Create k8s secrets in cluster using `${appName}` config file/data without asking any user input.
If you want to supply config data via STDIN, you can set `configFilePath` parameter to `-`.
e.g. `echo $CONFIG_CONTENT | magda-create-secrets -E -` or `cat config.json | magda-create-secrets --execute=-`
If configFilePath is not specify, program will attempt to load config file from:
either `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/configstore/magda-create-secrets.json`
or `~/.config/configstore/magda-create-secrets.json`
-P, --print Print previously saved local config data to stdout
-D, --delete Delete previously saved local config data
-h, --help output usage information
Available Setting ENV Variables:
DEPLOY_TO_GOOGLE_CLOUD : Are you creating k8s secrets for google cloud or local testing cluster?
LOCAL_CLUSTER_TYPE : Which local k8s cluster environment you are going to connect to?
USE_CLOUDSQL_INSTANCE_CREDENTIALS : Do you use google cloud SQL service as your database?
CLOUDSQL_DB_CREDENTIALS : Please provide default google cloud SQL service DB password:
RESELECT_CLOUDSQL_INSTANCE_CREDENTIALS : Has located saved Google SQL cloud credentials JSON file. Do you want to re-select?
CLOUDSQL_INSTANCE_CREDENTIALS : Please provide the path to the credentials JSON file for your Google SQL cloud service access:
USE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS : Do you use google storage service?
RESELECT_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS : Has located saved Google storage private key JSON file. Do you want to re-select?
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS : Please provide the path to the private key JSON file for your Google storage service access:
USE_SMTP_SECRET : Do you need to access SMTP service for sending data request email?
SMTP_SECRET_USERNAME : Please provide SMTP service username:
SMTP_SECRET_PASSWORD : Please provide SMTP service password:
USE_REGCRED : Do you use Gitlab as your CI system and need the access to Gitlab docker registry?
USE_REGCRED_PASSWORD_FROM_ENV : Do you want to get gitlab docker registry password from environment variable ($CI_JOB_TOKEN) or input manually now?
REGCRED_EMAIL : Please provide the email address that you want to use for Gitlab docker registry:
REGCRED_PASSWORD : Please provide password for Gitlab docker registry:
USE_OAUTH_SECRETS_GOOGLE : Do you want to create google-client-secret for oAuth SSO?
OAUTH_SECRETS_GOOGLE : Please provide google api access key for oAuth SSO:
USE_OAUTH_SECRETS_FACEBOOK : Do you want to create facebook-client-secret for oAuth SSO?
OAUTH_SECRETS_FACEBOOK : Please provide facebook api access key for oAuth SSO:
USE_OAUTH_SECRETS_ARCGIS : Do you want to create arcgis-client-secret for oAuth SSO?
OAUTH_SECRETS_ARCGIS : Please provide arcgis api access key for oAuth SSO:
USE_OAUTH_SECRETS_AAF : Do you want to create aaf-client-secret for AAF Rapid Connect SSO?
OAUTH_SECRETS_AAF : Please provide AAF secret for AAF Rapid Connect SSO:
USE_WEB_ACCESS_SECRET : Do you want to setup HTTP Basic authentication?
WEB_ACCESS_USERNAME : Please provide the username for HTTP Basic authentication setup:
MANUAL_WEB_ACCESS_PASSWORD : Do you want to manually input the password for HTTP Basic authentication setup?
WEB_ACCESS_PASSWORD : Please provide the password for HTTP Basic authentication setup:
MANUAL_DB_PASSWORDS : Do you want to manually input the password used for databases?
DB_PASSWORDS : Please provide the password used for databases:
ACCESSKEY : Please enter an access key for your MinIO server:
SECRETKEY : Please enter a secret key for your MinIO server::
GET_NAMESPACE_FROM_ENV : Specify a namespace or leave blank and override by env variable later?
CLUSTER_NAMESPACE : What's the namespace you want to create secrets into (input `default` if you want to use the `default` namespace)?
ALLOW_ENV_OVERRIDE_SETTINGS : Do you want to allow environment variables (see --help for full list) to override current settings at runtime?