ID Magalu SDK for Single Page Applications using Authorization Code Grant Flow with PKCE
ID Magalu SDK for Javascript
Created for SPA (Single-page application) projects.
Getting Started
Add the ID Magalu SDK as a dependency in your project.
Use npm in your project directory and run the following command:
npm i @magalucloud/sdk-idmagalu-js
Configure the SDK
To get started, you need to create a single instance of the ID Magalu SDK before rendering or initializing your application. This can be done using the async/await method or with promisses. This instance only needs to be declared once in your project.
import createClient from '@magalucloud/sdk-idmagalu-js'
(async () => {
const clientIDMagalu = await createClient({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '<REDIRECT_URI>',
scope: '<SCOPE>'
The scope property is optional and if not entered, its default value becomes `openid profile``.
Logging In
The login
method must be used to start the authentication flow.
document.getElementById('login').addEventListener('click', async () => {
await clientIDMagalu.login();
After completing authentication on the ID Magalu, a redirect will be sent back to the address entered in redirect_uri
, containing the authorization code as a parameter in the URL.
Code Exchange
When redirected back to your application, the ID Magalu SDK provides a method called handleRedirectCallback
, which is responsible for completing authentication by exchanging the authorization code obtained following the PKCE Flow for the access token.
In order for this event to be used, the application must be able to validate the presence of the CODE as a URL parameter immediately after the redirect that occurred when completing the authentication stage in ID Magalu.
if (location.search.includes('code=')) {
await clientIDMagalu.handleRedirectCallback();
The method returns the following information:
access_token: string;
created_at: number;
expires_in: number;
id_token: string;
refresh_token: string;
scope: string;
token_type: string;
We can also do it silently by adding the getTokenSilently
property to true when creating the instance, as shown in the code below:
import createClient from '@magalucloud/sdk-idmagalu-js'
(async () => {
const clientIDMagalu = await createClient({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '<REDIRECT_URI>',
scope: '<SCOPE>',
getTokenSilently: true
Token storage in the authentication state
By default, the JWTs provided by the Magalu ID are stored in memory. This protects against CSRF attacks (possible if stored as a client-side cookie) and XSS attacks (possible if persisted in local storage).
The disadvantage of this approach, however, is that if a page is refreshed or a new tab is opened, the token will be erased from memory and the login button will need to be clicked again to authenticate.
Rotating Refresh Tokens
The ID Magalu SDK can be configured to use refresh token rotation in order to obtain new access tokens silently.
Refresh token rotation is a fundamental practice for improving security in authentication and authorization systems. This technique consists of regularly replacing access tokens with new tokens, usually using refresh tokens. By using refresh token rotation, systems can significantly reduce the impact of possible security breaches.
To enable the use of this practice, set the useRefreshTokens
property to true.
import createClient from '@magalucloud/sdk-idmagalu-js'
(async () => {
const clientIDMagalu = await createClient({
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
redirect_uri: '<REDIRECT_URI>',
scope: '<SCOPE>',
useRefreshTokens: true
Once configured, the ID Magalu SDK will directly call the /oauth/token
endpoint to update the tokens whenever there is a new render.
Below is an example of this payload:
client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
grant_type: 'refresh_token',
refresh_token: '<REFRESH_TOKEN>'
Get refresh tokens manually
To use the handleRefreshToken
method, you need to pass the refresh token as a parameter.
document.getElementById('refreshToken').addEventListener('click', () => {
const refreshToken = sdkIDMagalu.store.getItem('id_magalu_refresh_token');
const sessionData: Boolean = clientIDMagalu.handleRefreshToken(refreshToken);
The method returns the following information:
access_token: string;
created_at: number;
expires_in: number;
id_token: string;
refresh_token: string;
scope: string;
token_type: string;
Get session information
Use the isAuthenticated
method to validate the session status.
document.getElementById('isAuthenticated').addEventListener('click', () => {
const isAuthenticated: Boolean = clientIDMagalu.isAuthenticated();
Get user information
Use the getUser
method to obtain active user information.
document.getElementById('getUser').addEventListener('click', () => {
const user: User = clientIDMagalu.getUser();
Example output:
email: string;
name: string;
profile_image_url: string;
Get Access Token
The getToken
method returns the access token stored in memory.
document.getElementById('getToken').addEventListener('click', () => {
const accessToken: String = clientIDMagalu.getToken();
The logout
method disconnects the user from the ID Magalu.
document.getElementById('logout').addEventListener('click', async () => {
await clientIDMagalu.logout();