Script for collect data from analytics and send to slack(webhook) and telegram
Mad radiator is a simple script to collect a part of data from analytics, lighthouse, reddit, quora, glassdoor, and send it in the pretty format as message to slack and/or telegram
How to run
Running as function
To run radiator for your own project you need to do the following steps:
- Install radiator as a dependency for your project(or for a new project, that's not important)
$ npm install @maddevs/mad-radiator
- Create a file for running:
$ touch radiator.js
*In the file, you need to import the radiator and pass the configs optionally for each module (see the configuration section):
const { radiator } = require('@maddevs/mad-radiator')
const radiator = new Radiator(baseConfig)
radiator.useQuoraService(quora, fireStore)
radiator.useGlassdoorService(glassdoor, fireStore)
radiator.useNewPagesInSite(lighthouseConfig, fireStore)
radiator.usePageAnalytics(pageAnalyticsConfig, fireStore)
- Just run the file via nodeJS:
$ node radiator
- Congrats! Now you just running radiator and it will send messages to your slack/telegram according to provided config
Running as CLI script
Sorry! Running the radiator by CLI script isn't available for now
Technologies stack
It is a list of core technologies that we used to make a business logic
- node.js
- axios
- googleapis
- node-emoji
- node-schedule
- chalk
- cheerio
- firebase-admin
- moment
- sitemap-stream-parser
Additional tools for development
- typescript
- jest
- prettier
- eslint
This is a most important part of the documentation. For running radiator you need to create the correct config (* required configs). In this section you can find all available options of the radiator:
Base config *
| name | type | description | | -------------------------|:------------|:--------------------------------------------------------------| | authType | string | Authentication type | | analyticsProjectId | string | ID of your project (it’s available after project creation) | | analyticsPrivateKeyId | string | Private key ID | | analyticsPrivateKey | string | Private key | | analyticsClientEmail | string | Client email | | analyticsClientId | string | Client ID | | analyticsAuthUrl | string | Auth URL | | analyticsTokenUri | string | Token URI | | analyticsProviderCertUrl | string | Provider cert URL | | analyticsClientCertUrl | string | Client cert URL | | googleapisKey | string | Google apis key | | expiryDate | number | Expiry date | | tokenType | string | Token type | | idToken | string | ID token | | websiteUrl | string | Website URL | | range | string | Range | | retryAttempts | number | Retry attempts (Number of radiator restarts) | | nodeEnv | string | Node env |
Analytics config
| name | type | description | | ---------------------------|:------------- |:------------------------------------------------| | totalUsersToEnji | { url: string } | After create a business goal in the enji - we | | | | get endpoint urls to send data from radiator | | analyticsViewId | string | Analytics auth type | | pagesPathForViewsAnalytics | array | List with page paths for analyzing user traffic | | analyticsConversions | array | List of analytics conversions |
Pages path for views analytics
PagesPathForViewsAnalytics array needed to get statistics of views on these page paths
const analyticsConfig = {
// ...
"pagesPathForViewsAnalytics": [
// ...
Analytics Conversions
Analytics conversion array need to collect data from your analytics goals and calculate it. For example, you want to
separate your goals by 3 categories: Leads
, Contacts
and Careers
. You can do it using this configuration
| name | type | description | | ------------- |:------------- |:----------------------------------| | name | string | The name of your conversion group | | emoji | Emoji | Emoji to display your group | | goals | Array | An array of your goals ids |
Example. If you want to collect data for careers from goals 1,2,3 and for leads from 4,5,11 goals:
const analyticsConfig = {
analyticsConversions: [
name: 'Careers',
emoji: 'zap',
goals: [1, 2, 3],
name: 'Leads',
emoji: 'briefcase',
goals: [4, 5, 11],
Lighthouse Config
| name | type | description | | ------------- |:------------- |:---------------------------------| | urlTestRegexp | string | Regular for excluding some pages | | topCount | number | Number of top pages to display | | worstCount | number | Number of worst pages to display |
const lighthouseConfig = {
"urlTestRegexp": "(\\/blog\\/)|(\\/customer-university\\/)|(\\/ru\\/)[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}",
"topCount": 3,
"worstCount": 3
Glassdoor config
| name | type | description | | ------------- |:------------- |:-------------------------| | glassdoorUrl | string | The URL of your account |
// ...
"glassdoor": {
"glassdoorUrl": "https://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/account-url"
// ...
Reddit config
The reddit library is used for easy interaction with the API. Data about the number of posts is requested from Reddit.
| name | type | description | | ------------- |:------------- |:---------------------------------------| | redditClientId | string | Reddit client ID from Reddit APP | | redditClientSecret | string | Reddit client secret from Reddit APP | | redditUserName | string | Reddit username account | | redditPassword | string | Reddit password account |
// ...
"redditConfig": {
"redditClientId": "clientid",
"redditClientSecret": "clientsecret",
"redditUsername": "username",
"redditPassword": "password"
// ...
Firestore auth config
| name | type | description | | ------------- |:------------- |:------------------------------| | authType | string | | | firestoreProjectId | string | | | firestorePrivateKeyId | string | | | firestoreClientEmail | string | | | firestoreClientId | string | From Firestore auth JSON file | | firestoreAuthUri | string | | | firestoreTokenUri | string | | | firestoreAuthProviderCertUrl | string | | | firestoreClientCertUrl | string | |
// ...
"fireStoreAuthConfig": {
"authType": "service_account",
"firestoreProjectId": "project-id",
"firestorePrivateKeyId": "private-key-id",
"firestoreClientEmail": "client-email",
"firestoreClientId": "1111111111111111",
"firestoreAuthUri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
"firestoreTokenUri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
"firestoreAuthProviderCertUrl": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
"firestoreClientCertUrl": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/firebase-adminsdk-2dolj%client-cert-url"
// ...
Slack Config
| name | type | description | | ------------- |:------------- |:-----------------------------| | slackWebhookUrl | string | slack webhook url | | slackChannelId | string | name of your slack channel |
Schedule *
Schedule options is used for set up custom scheduler for your radiator.
If you want to run your radiator manually(when run the script) you don't need to provide the schedule
| name | type | description | | -----------|:------------- |:-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | period | day/week/month | Period for your schedule | | cron | string | A custom cron string(all other arguments will skip) | | time | number | Time to send a message(0-23) | | weekDay | number | Weekday to send a message(0-7, 0 and 7 is Sunday) - only for period=week | | monthDay | number | Monthday to send a message(0-31) - only for period=month |
Example. You want to run your radiator script each day at 10AM. For this you need to use the following configuration:
// ...
"scheduleConfig: {
"period": "day",
"cron": '12 15 * * *',
// ...
Git commit format
The commit contains the following structural elements, to communicate intent to the consumers of your library:
fix: a commit of the type fix patches a bug in your codebase (this correlates with PATCH in Semantic Versioning).
feat: a commit of the type feat introduces a new feature to the codebase (this correlates with MINOR in Semantic Versioning).
BREAKING CHANGE: a commit that has a footer BREAKING CHANGE:, or appends a ! after the type/scope, introduces a breaking API change (correlating with MAJOR in Semantic Versioning). A BREAKING CHANGE can be part of commits of any type.
types other than fix: and feat: are allowed, for example @commitlint/config-conventional (based on the the Angular convention) recommends build:, chore:, ci:, docs:, style:, refactor:, perf:, test:, and others.
footers other than BREAKING CHANGE: <description> may be provided and follow a convention similar to git trailer format.