A CLI to run various diagnostics tools related to MachineMetrics Edge devices and connectivity
A CLI to run various diagnostics tools related to MachineMetrics Edge devices and connectivity.
Usage: mmedge [options] [command]
-v, --version output the current version
-h, --help display help for command
overview [options] returns results from a series of network and system diagnostics commands
diagnose [options] performs a series of tests on a target IP to determine issues relating to machine connectivity
ping [options] pings the target IP address
mac [options] gets the mac address and vendor information for a target IP address
arp gets the full arp table based on ip neigh
scan [options] scans the network for devices, reports back their mac address and vendor
cpu outputs information about the systems CPU
networks [options] reports detailed information about each network interface
storage outputs information about total and used file system space
usb reports information about devices connected via USB
connect [options] attempts to telnet to a target IP over a known set of ports
speedtest runs a speed test against speedtest.net
wifi [options] lists all nearby SSIDs along with their channel and signal
mem outputs information about system memory
help [command] display help for command