A plugin to run an adjunct user defined task within other frameworks that use vite
Vite Plugin: Run Task
A simple plugin to side run a function
during build
and serve
phases of Vite, by implementing configResolved
and handleHotUpdate
hooks and delegate follow up to a user defined task.
The user defined task is invoked whenever a change is detected in files/folder matching a specified pattern.
If your need is to run a shell command/process then this plugin is not for you. Checkout awesome vite repo to find plugins that may fit your bill.
The plugin was created to be able to build a CSS library using lightningcss
while using Astro for its documentation. It exists because the act of
building a main artefact (i.e the CSS library in this instance) should
not be masked by the quirks or capabilities of the framework used to
document that artefact.
We think this idea rings true for a few other use cases where creating well defined tasks to produce an artefact is better than hacking package.json with additional steps that are either chained to execute in sequence or have the developer issue additional commands to produce the artefact.
Quick start
Install vite-plugin-run-task
$ npm install @m5nv/vite-plugin-run-task
How to use it and why
To understand why we need this plugin, let's setup the stage to provide some context.
We are developing kis.css
library. We made a decision to use Astro
to document it and use kis.css
itself to style the documentation.
So, we want to see the changes to the content of the documentation and
changes to the style as we develop kis.css
, simultaneously.
This is a classic chicken and egg problem.
Astro does a beautiful job in hot reloading the content (it manages). We
need a way to hot build kis.css
as we make changes to it in the
folder - which as a reminder is our main character.
Here is how we solve it.
Create a task to build kis.css
and bundle it using lightningcss
// kis-builder.js
import browserslist from 'browserslist';
import { browserslistToTargets, bundle } from 'lightningcss';
const browsers = browserslist(process.env.npm_package_browserslist);
const targets = browserslistToTargets(browsers);
export default function(context, event) {
let file, timestamp, server, command;
if (event == 'hotUpdate') {
({file, timestamp, server} = context);
command = server.config.command;
} else {
command = context.command;
timestamp= Date.now();
if (!(command === 'build' || event === 'hotUpdate')) {
console.log(`${event}, ${command}, ${file} | building kis.css`);
let { code, warnings } = bundle({
filename: path.resolve('src/kis.css'),
minify: false
if (code) {
let codeStream = fs.createWriteStream("public/kis.css");
if (warnings.length) {
let followup = false;
if (event === 'hotUpdate') {
// see vite hmrPayload.d.ts for event type and payload content
return {
type: 'update',
updates: [{path: '/kis.css', timestamp }]
return followup;
Piggyback on Astro's config to invoke our task using this plugin
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import runTask from '@m5nv/vite-plugin-run-task'
import task from './kis-builder';
// https://astro.build/config
export default defineConfig({
site: "https://kiscss.github.io",
vite: {
plugins: [ runTask({ watch: ['src/**/*.css'], task}) ],