SQL function tagged template literal library
Stl - Sql function tagged template literal library
is a dependency free JS library that simplifies the creation of
parameterized SQL statements. It shares the interface and a significant portion
of logic from Porsager's Postgres.js library for constructing both safe
and unsafe SQL. The key distinction with STL is that it doesn't handle
database connectivity. This gives developers the freedom to combine it with
their preferred database library.
Although STL is database agnostic, it is tested extensively with SQLite
and occasionally with Postgres
. It is biased towards SQLite
being the
storage layer of choice.
Quick start
Install stl
$ npm install @m5nv/stl
Use it
For stl
to work effectively, it requires integration with a database library
of your choice. Essentially, stl
is compatible with any database library that
supports parameterized SQL statements. In the code snippet below, simply swap
out <your-favorite-database-library>
with the actual database library you're
import stl from "@m5nv/stl";
import db from "<your-favorite-database-library>";
const sql = stl({ debug: false });
const name = "Mur", age = 60;
const query = sql`
from users
name like ${name + "%"}
and age > ${age}
const result = await db.all(query.string, query.parameters);
Development and testing
- run
npm i
to install dev dependencies cd test
&&npm link @m5nv/stl
to link tosrc
in developmentnpm run test
||npm run test:coverage
to test
The content below is adapted from the Porsager's README file. Thank you!
Identifiers and keywords in SQL:
- 'keyword' A keyword in single quotes is a
string literal
. - "keyword" A keyword in double-quotes is an
. - identifier is a string that names an object/entity.
sql`...` -> {string, parameters}
STL utilizes tagged template functions to process query parameters before interpolation. Using tagged template literals benefits developers by:
- Enforcing safe query generation
- Giving the
`` function powerful utility and query building features.
Any generic value will be serialized according to an inferred type, and replaced
by a SQLite protocol placeholder $1, $2, ...
. The parameters are then sent
separately to the database which handles escaping and casting.
All queries constructed using the tag function return a custom object which can
be passed to a driver function that accepts a query string and bind parameters;
the default key names in the object to access these values are string
. The shape of the parameters and key names can be changed by using
the 'format' option.
For instance to use query returned by sql...
function with Turso
, set
the format
option to turso
when constructing the template literal function.
import stl, { Result } from "@m5nv/stl";
import { createClient } from "@libsql/client";
const db = createClient({
url: ":memory:",
// Construct query object to be compatible with Turso's named sql format
const sql = stl({ debug: false, format: "turso" });
const name = "Mur", age = 60;
const query = sql`
from users
name like ${name + "%"}
and age > ${age}
const result = await db.execute(query);
const xs = await db.execute(sql`
insert into users (
name, age
) values (
'Murray', 68
returning *
The result and xs variables above will be in whatever format the driver returns.
To get the result value as an array like in Porsager's library STL provides a
function; using Result function allows you to treat the return result
from a database uniformly:
const result_as_array = Result(result);
The array consists of items with objects mapping column names to each row and
can be iterated using a for..of
loop as below:
for (item of result_as_array) {
// do something with item; it is an object mapping selected column name
// as the key, and the value in the database
// e.g., {name: 'Murray', age: 68}
Query parameters
Parameters are automatically extracted and handled by the database so that SQL injection isn't possible. No special handling is necessary, simply use tagged template literals as usual.
const name = "Mur", age = 60;
const query = sql`
from users
name like ${name + "%"}
and age > ${age}
const users = Result(db.execute(query));
// users = [{ name: 'Murray', age: 68 }]
Be careful with quotation marks here. Because SQLite infers column types, you do not need to wrap your interpolated parameters in quotes like'${name}'
. This will cause an error because the tagged template replaces${name}
in the query string, leaving SQLite to do the interpolation. If you wrap that in a string, SQLite will see'$1'
and interpret it as a string as opposed to a parameter.
In the following sections we omit assigning the return value of sql`...` expression for brevity. It is implied that you will pass it to the library that gives you access to the SQLite database, as shown in the example above.
Dynamic column selection
const columns = ['name', 'age']
${ sql(columns) }
from users
// Which results in:
select "name", "age" from users
Dynamic inserts
const user = {
name: 'Murray',
age: 68
insert into users ${
sql(user, 'name', 'age')
// Which results in:
insert into users ("name", "age") values ($1, $2)
// The columns can also be given with an array
const columns = ['name', 'age']
insert into users ${
sql(user, columns)
You can omit column names and simply execute sql(user)
to get all the fields
from the object as columns. Be careful not to allow users to supply columns
that you do not want to be inserted.
Multiple inserts in one query
If you need to insert multiple rows at the same time it's also much faster to do
it with a single insert
. Simply pass an array of objects to sql()
const users = [{
name: 'Murray',
age: 68,
garbage: 'ignore'
name: 'Walter',
age: 80
sql`insert into users ${ sql(users, 'name', 'age') }`
// Is translated to:
insert into users ("name", "age") values ($1, $2), ($3, $4)
// Here you can also omit column names which will use object keys as columns
sql`insert into users ${ sql(users) }`
// Which results in:
insert into users ("name", "age") values ($1, $2), ($3, $4)
Dynamic columns in updates
This is also useful for update queries
const user = {
id: 1,
name: 'Murray',
age: 68
update users set ${
sql(user, 'name', 'age')
where user_id = ${ user.id }
// Which results in:
update users set "name" = $1, "age" = $2 where user_id = $3
// The columns can also be given with an array
const columns = ['name', 'age']
update users set ${
sql(user, columns)
where user_id = ${ user.id }
Multiple updates in one query
To create multiple updates in a single query, it is necessary to use arrays instead of objects to ensure that the order of the items correspond with the column names.
const users = [
[1, "John", 34],
[2, "Jane", 27],
update users set name = update_data.name, age = (update_data.age)::int
from (values ${sql(users)}) as update_data (id, name, age)
where users.id = (update_data.id)::int
returning users.id, users.name, users.age
Dynamic values and where in
Value lists can also be created dynamically, making where in
queries simple
from users
where age in ${sql([68, 75, 23])}
from (values ${sql(["a", "b", "c"])}) as x(a, b, c)
Building queries
features a simple dynamic query builder by conditionally appending or
omitting query fragments. It works by nesting sql
fragments within other
sql`` calls or fragments. This allows you to build dynamic queries safely
without risking sql injections through usual string concatenation.
Partial queries
const olderThan = x => sql`and age > ${ x }`
const filterAge = true
from users
where name is not null ${
? olderThan(50)
: sql``
// Which results in:
select * from users where name is not null
// Or
select * from users where name is not null and age > 50
Dynamic filters
from users ${
? sql`where user_id = ${ id }`
: sql``
// Which results in:
select * from users
// Or
select * from users where user_id = $1
SQL functions
Using keywords or calling functions dynamically is also possible by using sql
`` fragments.
const date = null
update users set updated_at = ${ date || sql`now()` }
// Which results in:
update users set updated_at = now()
Table names
Dynamic identifiers like table names and column names is also supported like so:
const table = 'users', column = 'id'
select ${ sql(column) } from ${ sql(table) }
// Which results in:
select "id" from "users"
Quick primer on interpolation
Here's a quick oversight over all the ways to do interpolation in a query template string:
| Interpolation syntax | Usage | Example |
| ------------------------- | ----------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ${ sql
| for keywords or sql fragments | await sql`SELECT * FROM users ${sql`order by age desc` }`
| ${ sql(string) }
| for identifiers | await sql`SELECT * FROM ${sql('table_name')`
| ${ sql([] or {}, ...) }
| for helpers | await sql`INSERT INTO users ${sql({ name: 'Peter'})}`
| ${ 'somevalue' }
| for values | await sql`SELECT * FROM users WHERE age = ${42}`
Multiple statements in one query
Check your database library on how to execute multiple statements. STL tries to
emulate the behavior of the library that it takes inspiration from by
disallowing dynamic parameters. It will throw an error if the expression has
multiple statements and requires interpolation. The following example simply
returns the query as is since the statements are not dynamic
sql`select 1; select 2;`;
Deviation from porsager's
postgres library
Removed origin of
reporting fromstl
layer since...- the original implementation's optimization leads to faulty origin
- probably best implemented at the application layer
- Read more here
Error codes are specfied in
instead of incode
...- to reuse platform provided ways and means...
Remove code for transforming data since...
- new code is unlikely to use this feature (?)
- better handled at the application layer
Database security and SQL Injection
- SQL Injection Attack: What it is and how to prevent it
- Wikipedia: SQL Injection
- OWASP: SQL Injection Prevention
- Database Security: User Management
The no ORM camp
- JSON improvements
- Virtual columns to speed up json data query
- Retrieving related rows in a single query
- Passing arrays as parameters using json trick
- SQLite CLI