Plugin to add TF-IDF scores to a Lyra index
Token Relevance Plugin
Plugin to add TF-IDF scores to a Lyra index.
| Runtime | Status | | -------------- | ----------------- | | Node.js | ✅ available | | Bun | ✅ available | | V8 isolates | ✅ available | | Major browsers | ✅ available | | Deno | ✅ available |
For the complete usage guide, please refer to the official plugin documentation.
import { create, insert } from "@lyrasearch/lyra";
import { generateScores } from "plugin-token-relevance";
const db = create({
schema: {
author: "string",
quote: "string",
insert(db, {
quote: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
author: "John Doe",
insert(db, {
quote: "This quick brown fox is so quick! How can it be so quick?",
author: "Jane Doe",
insert(db, {
quote: "I have a pair of red shoes.",
author: "Jimmy Does",
const scores = generateScores(db);
quote: {
'76465079-2': {
the: 0.24413606414846878,
quick: 0.04505167867868493,
brown: 0.04505167867868493,
fox: 0.04505167867868493,
jumps: 0.12206803207423439,
over: 0.12206803207423439,
lazy: 0.12206803207423439,
dog: 0.12206803207423439
'76465079-42': {
this: 0.08450863758985458,
quick: 0.0935688711018841,
brown: 0.03118962370062803,
fox: 0.03118962370062803,
is: 0.08450863758985458,
so: 0.16901727517970916,
how: 0.08450863758985458,
can: 0.08450863758985458,
it: 0.08450863758985458,
be: 0.08450863758985458
'76465079-60': {
i: 0.1569446126668728,
have: 0.1569446126668728,
a: 0.1569446126668728,
pair: 0.1569446126668728,
of: 0.1569446126668728,
red: 0.1569446126668728,
shoes: 0.1569446126668728
author: {
'76465079-2': { john: 0.5493061443340548, doe: 0.2027325540540822 },
'76465079-42': { jane: 0.5493061443340548, doe: 0.2027325540540822 },
'76465079-60': { jimmy: 0.5493061443340548, does: 0.5493061443340548 }