```sh npm i @lydian/venue-calendars ```
Getting Started
npm i @lydian/venue-calendars
provides 3 calendars: admin, booking & renting calendar.
For developing, seek DEVELOPMENT.md.
Demo examples
Check demos
folder for example how each calendar can be tested/used.
Add HTML element, where to hook admin-calendar.
<div id="lydian-admin-calendar"></div>
Slot type
type Slot = {
id: string;
start: string;
end: string;
multiplier: number;
tag_id: string;
// Can have additional properties.
// Example slot:
const slot = {
id: "979de2fe-f03a-4252-81e9-50215981a7f7",
start: '2022-10-05T15:00:00.000Z',
end: '2022-10-05T16:00:00.000Z',
foo: 'bar',
multiplier: 1,
tag_id: "239de2fe-f03a-4252-81e9-50215981a7a2",
Tag type
type Tag = {
id: string;
name: string;
// Example tag:
const tag = {
id: "239de2fe-f03a-4252-81e9-50215981a7a2",
name: "Castle",
import { AdminCalendar } from '@lydian/venue-calendars';
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function async () {
const element = document.querySelector("#lydian-admin-calendar");
// Fn that loads all slots & tags.
// Must return as a following object:
// {
// slots: Slot[],
// tags: Tag[],
// }
const getSlotsAndTags = () => {
fetch('/data').then(res => {
return {
slots: res.data.slots,
tags: res.data.tags,
// Called, when user clicks "Save".
const updateSlotsAndTags = (slots, tags) => {
fetch('/data', {
method: 'PUT',
// ...
// Creates UI for calendar and sidebar with it's functionality.
const adminCalendar = new AdminCalendar({
el: element,
locale: "et",
slotsAndTagsLoader: getSlotsAndTags,
onClickSave: updateSlotsAndTags,
Add HTML element, where to hook booking-calendar.
<div id="lydian-booking-calendar"></div>
Slot type
type Slot = {
id: string;
start: string;
end: string;
multiplier: number;
tag_id: string;
// Can have additional properties.
// Example slot:
const slot = {
id: "36df9ecb-00c0-4e6a-84ad-71cfb1349878",
start: '2022-10-05T15:00:00.000Z',
end: '2022-10-05T16:00:00.000Z',
multiplier: 1,
tag_id: "239de2fe-f03a-4252-81e9-50215981a7a2",
// Can have additional properties.
Program type
type Program = {
id: number;
image: string;
title: string;
location: string;
duration: number; // In minutes.
template_id: number;
tag_id: string;
// Preperation time.
pre_time: number; // In minutes.
// Cleanup time.
post_time: number; // In minutes.
// Example program
const program = {
id: 1234,
image: './pathtothepicturelocation/name.jpg',
title: 'Title of the Program',
location: 'Apple tree 55, 12345, Tallinn',
duration: 60, // how long the programm will last in minutes
template_id: 1,
tag_id: "239de2fe-f03a-4252-81e9-50215981a7a2",
pre_time: 15,
post_time: 5,
type predefinedProgramCountInPeriod = {
since: string; //ISO
until: string; //ISO
count: number; //full number
// Example predefinedProgramCountInPeriod:
const predefinedProgramCountInPeriod = {
since: '2022-10-01T15:00:00.000Z',
until: '2022-10-30T16:00:00.000Z',
count: 10,
import { BookingCalendar } from '@lydian/venue-calendars';
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function async () {
const element = document.querySelector("#lydian-booking-calendar");
// Fn that loads all slots of the currently selected program's venue
// return Slot[]
const getSlots= () => {
fetch('/slots?venue=miiamilla').then(res => res.data);
// Fn that loads all the slots that were selected in the cart
// return Slot[]
const getBookingsInCart = () => {
fetch('/slotsincart').then(res => res.data);
// Called, when user clicks "Book".
// slot selectedSlot
const addToCart = (slot: Slot) => {
/* Add the slot into the cart */
// Called, when user clicks "Add to cart".
// slot selectedSlot
const addToCartAndRedirectToFinalizeBooking = (slot: Slot) => {
/* Add the slot into the cart and redirect use to
finalize the booking */
// Setting that user has set for this program
const predefinedProgramCountInPeriod = {
since: '2022-10-01T15:00:00.000Z',
until: '2022-10-30T16:00:00.000Z',
count: 10,
* Bookings from Lydian.
* Can be passed as null or empty string, if not wanted.
const urlForBookings = 'https://foobar.lydian.app/v2/_api/free-busy?f[type_ids][0]=1';
* Internal events or activites - that will be count as "bookings". This one is
* different, because "count/multiplier" logic does not matter here.
* Can be passed as null or empty string, if not wanted.
const urlForOtherEvents = 'https://foobar.lydian.app/v2/_api/free-busy?f[type_ids_excluded][0]=1';
* Not enough persons for creating a program. Similar to "urlForOtherEvents", where
* "count/multiplier" logic does not matter.
* Can be passed as null or empty string, if not wanted.
const urlForPersons = 'https://foobar.lydian.app/v2/_api/free-busy-of-persons';
* Not enough persons for creating a program. Similar to "urlForOtherEvents", where
* "count/multiplier" logic does not matter.
* Can be passed as null or empty string, if not wanted.
const URLForEventCount = 'https://foobar.lydian.app/v2/_api/event-count';
// Creates UI for calendar and sidebar with it's functionality.
const bookingCalendar = new BookingCalendar({
el: element,
locale: "et",
slotsLoader: getSlots,
bookingsInCartLoader: getBookingsInCart,
program: program,
bookingBuffer: 24,
onClickAddToCart: addToCart,
onClickBook: addToCartAndRedirectToFinalizeBooking,
urlForBookings: urlForBookings,
urlForOtherEvents: urlForOtherEvents,
urlForPersons: urlForPersons,
URLForEventCount: URLForEventCount,
predefinedProgramCountInPeriod: predefinedProgramCountInPeriod,
Bookingcalendars´ public functions
- Refetches resources to render bookable slots.
Add HTML element, where to hook renting-calendar.
<div id="lydian-renting-calendar"></div>
This calendar module uses the following types: Room
& BookedRoomSlot
Room type
Used for displaying information about the room that´s about to be rented. Also selected slot for renting gets linked with the room´s ID.
type Room = {
id: number; // Room ID from the Lydian application.
name: string;
location: string;
price_per_hour: number;
image: string;
// Example room:
const room = {
id: 23,
name: 'Main Hall',
location: 'Taltech',
price_per_hour: 20,
image: '/images/foobar.png',
BookedRoomSlot type
Selected timeslot by the user that he/she wants to rent. This object contains all necessary info for booking.
type BookedRoomSlot = {
id: string;
start: string; // ISO string.
end: string; // ISO string;
room_id: number; // Room ID from the Lydian application.
// Example bookedRoomSlot:
const BookedRoomSlot = {
id: '36df9ecb-00c0-4e6a-84ad-71cfb1349878',
start: '2023-10-05T15:00:00.000Z',
end: '2023-10-05T16:00:00.000Z',
room_id: 23,
tag_id: '239de2fe-f03a-4252-81e9-50215981a7a2',
import { RentingCalendar } from '@lydian/venue-calendars';
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function async () {
const element = document.querySelector("#lydian-renting-calendar");
const room = {
id: 1,
name: 'Hall',
location: 'Westwood, Kentucky',
price_per_hour: 100, // In euros.
image: '/images/foobar.png',
room_ids: "12, 13",
const bookingBuffer = 8; // In hours, optional - defaults to 0.
// Slots aka business hours, where user can rent room. Outside of these hours,
// the room will be unavailable. "useBusySlots" value must be set to "true" for
// this to work.
const busySlotsLoader = (): Promise<Slot[]> => {
return fetch('/slots').then(res => res.data);
// Public API endpoint from Lydian side, where we get timeslots of room that
// are busy (aka not rentable). Optional.
const urlForLydianBusyTimes = 'https://foobar.lydian.app/v2/_api/free-busy';
// Callback function to handle the selected timeslot that user wants
// to rent. This will proceed to select again for the user.
const onClickAddToCartButton = (bookedRoomSlot: BookedRoomSlot) => {
// Do something with bookedRoomSlot.
// Callback function to handle the selected timeslot that user wants
// to rent. This will not allow user to select more. User should be
// redirected to cart or elsewhere.
const onClickBookButton = (bookedRoomSlot: BookedRoomSlot) => {
// Do something with bookedRoomSlot.
// Returns slots from the cart. Objects must be as BookedRoomSlot type.
const getBookingsInCartLoader = (): Promise<BookedRoomSlot[]> => {
return fetch('/slotsincart').then(res => res.data);
// Creates & renders calendar.
const rentingCalendar = new RentingCalendar({
el: element,
locale: "et",
room: room,
dayBooking: true,
busySlotsLoader: busySlotsLoader,
useBusySlots: true,
bookingBuffer: bookingBuffer,
urlForLydianBusyTimes: urlForLydianBusyTimes,
bookingsInCartLoader: getBookingsInCartLoader,
onClickAddToCart: onClickAddToCartButton,
onClickBook: onClickBookButton,