Router with koa, joi and swagger on typescript
How to use
npm install @lxsbw/koa-joi-swagger-ts --save
Each controller can use 5 predefined rest methods GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE
Example of using
class UserController extends BaseController {
@parameter("userId", joi.string().min(2).description("userId"), ENUM_PARAM_IN.path)
addSomeUser(ctx) {
ctx.body = "cant add user";
@parameter("userId", joi.string().min(2).description("userId"), ENUM_PARAM_IN.path)
deleteSomeUser(ctx) {
ctx.body = "user not found";
We have 3 type of resolvers (aka middlewares, but without next() functions) - functions which can be called before (or after) your controller method:
- safe - this resolver can wrap on method by try-catch
- before - call function (or list of functions) before our target controller method
- after - call function (or list of functions) after our target method
@safe(fn?: ErrorHandlerFunction, throwNext?: boolean)
This decorator can wrap on your method into try-catch, and if something wrong - call function which specifiyed into parameter fn with Error argument
- fn - function (optional) - call if throwed error
- throwNext - boolean (optional) - if true, will throw error to upper level
Example of using @safe() resolver
import {safe, parameter, del, controller, ENUM_PARAM_IN} from "@lxsbw/koa-joi-swagger-ts";
// ...somecodehere...
class UserController extends BaseController {
@parameter("userId", joi.string().min(2).description("userId"), ENUM_PARAM_IN.path)
@safe( (err) => { console.log(err) } )
deleteSomeUser() {
throw Error("Some bad error");
@before(...fn: MiddlewareFunction[])
This decorator can add additional functions which will called before your controller method.
- fn - function - functions which will be called
Example of using @before() resolver
import {before, parameter, del, controller, ENUM_PARAM_IN} from "@lxsbw/koa-joi-swagger-ts";
// ...somecodehere...
class UserController extends BaseController {
@parameter("userId", joi.string().min(2).description("userId"), ENUM_PARAM_IN.path)
@before( (ctx) => { console.log("first resolver") } )
@before( (ctx) => { console.log("second resolver") }, (ctx) => { console.log("third resolver") } )
deleteSomeUser(ctx) {
ctx.body = "user not found";
@after(...fn: MiddlewareFunction[])
This decorator can add additional functions which will called after your controller method.
ATTENTION! Specific of decorators calling - is reversed order of calls, thats why, if you use few @after decorators - last after will be called as first, and first as last, thats why I recommend to use list of functions as multiple arguments if order matters something for your logic
- fn - function - functions which will be called
Example of using @after() resolver
import {after, parameter, del, controller, ENUM_PARAM_IN} from "@lxsbw/koa-joi-swagger-ts";
// ...somecodehere...
class UserController extends BaseController {
@parameter("userId", joi.string().min(2).description("userId"), ENUM_PARAM_IN.path)
@after( (ctx) => { console.log("called THIRD afetr method") } )
@after( (ctx) => { console.log("called FIRST after method") }, (ctx) => { console.log("called SECOND after method") } )
deleteSomeUser(ctx) {
ctx.body = "user not found";
Example (TypeScript)
import {parameter, get, post, del, controller, definition, KoaSwaggerRouter, summary, response, tag, ENUM_PARAM_IN} from "@lxsbw/koa-joi-swagger-ts";
import * as joi from "joi";
import * as fs from "fs";
import {array, string} from "joi";
import * as koa from "koa";
@definition("User", "User Entity")
class UserSchema {
userName = joi.string().min(6).description("username").required();
userPass = joi.string().min(6).description("password").required();
class BaseController {
index() {
* This method will be called by middleware instead of controller
const baseControllerFunction = async (controller, ctx, next, summary): Promise<void> => {
console.log(`${ctx.request.method} ${ctx.request.url}`);
try {
await controller(ctx);
} catch (e) {
console.log(e, `Error while executing "${summary}"`);
class UserController extends BaseController {
@parameter("userId", joi.string().min(2).description("userId"), ENUM_PARAM_IN.path)
index() {
@parameter("userId", joi.string().required(), ENUM_PARAM_IN.query)
doGet(ctx) {
ctx.body = Date.now();
@parameter("userId", joi.number().min(2).description("userId"), ENUM_PARAM_IN.path)
@response(200, {$ref: UserSchema})
getUser(ctx) {
ctx.body = {userName: ctx.params.userId.toString(), userPass: Date.now().toString()};
@parameter("file1", {type: "file"}, ENUM_PARAM_IN.formData)
doUpload(ctx) {
ctx.body = { fileObj: ctx.body.file1};
doPost() {
@response(200, {type: "array", items: {$ref: UserSchema}})
getUsers() {
@definition("Admin", "Admin Entity")
class AdminSchema {
userName = joi.string().required().min(6).uppercase();
userPass = joi.string();
class AdminController extends UserController {
@parameter("name", joi.string().description("name"))
@parameter("list", array().items(string()).required(), ENUM_PARAM_IN.query)
@response(200, {$ref: AdminSchema})
@response(202, joi.string().description("aaa"))
index() {
const router = new KoaSwaggerRouter({
swagger: '2.0',
info: {
'This is a sample server Koa2 server. You can find out more about Swagger at [http://swagger.io](http://swagger.io) or on [irc.freenode.net, #swagger](http://swagger.io/irc/). For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.',
title: 'Koa2 TypeScript Swagger',
version: '1.0.0',
concat: {
email: '[email protected]'
// 开源协议
license: {
name: 'Apache 2.0',
url: 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html'
// host: '',
basePath: '',
schemes: ['http', 'https'],
paths: {},
definitions: {},
securityDefinitions: {
JWT: {
type: 'apiKey',
in: 'header',
name: 'Authorization'
// Or you can:
// router.loadDefinition([UserSchema, AdminSchema]);
// Process controller through pattern Decorator
router.loadController(UserController, baseControllerFunction);
fs.writeFileSync("./swagger.json", JSON.stringify(router.swagger));
// console.log(router.getRouter());
const app = new koa();
Project example
You can quickly test @lxsbw/koa-joi-swagger-ts with the project example koa-base-ts.