HTML5 drawing widget - core lib
Literally Canvas Core v0.6.0
Literally Canvas is an extensible, open source (BSD-licensed), HTML5 drawing widget. It has no external dependencies.
This is the core libary which provides an interface for drawing on the canvas.
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Full documentation
Main Repo
Along with the CSS, JS, and image assets, this is all it takes:
<div class="literally"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
const drawingEl = document.querySelector('.literally');
const lc = new LiterallyCanvas(drawingEl, {
defaultStrokeWidth: 10,
backgroundColor: '#FFF',
State of the project
No one is maintaining this project. If you report a bug, the ticket will be a helpful place for discussion, but no one will fix it unless you submit a pull request. Feature requests will likewise be ignored.
Pull requests will be merged promptly if they are basically OK.
Setup: yarn
Build and watch: yarn build:watch
Test and watch: yarn test:watch
Go to demo/simple.html
to see a simple pencil drawing example.