Command Line Utility to help with repetitive work of project initialization using git and github.
git init initializes a git repository. However, that is usually one of several steps involved in hooking up a project to Git. There are often more steps involved. Nevertheless, these steps are repetitive.
provides a command-line interface to create a Git repository in the current folder, create a remote repository and then add it as a remote. Then it will provide a simple interactive “wizard” for creating a .gitignore file, and push it up to the remote repository.
It might not save you hours, but remove some of the initial friction when starting a new project.
Use the node package manager npm to install initgit.
npm i @luthra2059/initgit
Before running the command go to the settings of your github account.
Navigate to Developer Settings > Personal access token
and click on Generate new Token
. Enable appropriate permissions and copy the token
Now run the following command on your terminal -
$ initgit
Navigate through and give responses as asked.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.