This is a tool for converting Julian Day Number and Gregorian calendar. 儒略日数和公历之间的转换工具
Table of Contents
@lunisolar/julian is a tool for converting Julian Day Number
and Gregorian calendars
npm install @lunisolar/julian
ES Module:
import { JD } from '@lunisolar/julian'
const { JD } = require('@lunisolar/julian')
The Julian day number is converted to the Gregorian calendar by creating a JD instance
import { JD } from '@lunisolar/julian'
// ---- create a JD instance from Julian Day Number
const jd = JD.fromJdn(2460101)
// This will return the local Gregorian calendar time, the following example is based on the East Eighth time zone
const gre = jd.toGre()
console.log(gre.year) // 2023
console.log(gre.month) // 6
console.log(gre.day) // 5
console.log(gre.hour) // 20
console.log(gre.minute) // 0
console.log(gre.second) // 0
// You can also use the `format` method
console.log(jd2.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')) // 2023-06-05 20:00:00
// You can switch to UTC mode, the `utc()` method will return a new JD instance
const jd2 = jd.utc()
// or create a JD instance by `jd2 = JD.fromJdn(2460101, { isUTC: true })`
console.log(jd2.toGre().year) // 2023
console.log(jd2.toGre().hour) // 12
// The year, month, day and hour can be obtained without the `toGre()` method
console.log(jd2.year) // 2023
console.log(jd2.month) // 6
console.log(jd2.day) // 5
console.log(jd2.hour) // 12
console.log(jd2.minute) // 0
console.log(jd2.second) // 0
// You can also use the `format` method
console.log(jd2.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')) // 2023-06-05 12:00:00
// ---- create a JD instance from Gregorian calendar
const jd3 = JD.fromGre('2023-05-09 12:00:00')
// get the `Julian Day Number`
console.log(jd3.jdn) // 2460073.6666666665
// The `fromGre()` static method argument can also receive a `DateDict` object
const jd4 = JD.fromGre({
year: 2023,
month: 5,
day: 9,
hour: 12
JD Class API
create a JD instance from Gregorian calendar
-- static method --
* Create JD object from the Gregorian calendar
* @param dateDict Gregorian calendar date
* @param config config
* @returns JD Instance
JD.fromGre(dateDict?: Partial<DateDict> | string, config?: Partial<JDConfig>): JD
type DateDict = {
year: number
month: number
day: number
hour: number
minute: number
second: number
millisecond?: number
type JDConfig = {
isUTC: boolean
offset: number
const jd = JD.fromGre('2023-05-09', { isUTC: true })
create a JD instance from Julian Day Number
-- static method --
* Create JD object from the Julian Day Number
* @param jdn Julian Day Number
* @param config config
* @returns JD Instance
JD.fromJdn(jdn: number, config?: Partial<JDConfig>): JD
type JDConfig = {
isUTC: boolean
offset: number
const jd = JD.fromJdn(2460101)
create a JD instance from timestamp
-- static method --
* Create JD object from timestamp
* @param timestamp timestamp (unit: ms)
* @param config config
* @returns JD Instance
JD.fromTimestamp(timestamp: number, config?: Partial<JDConfig>): JD
type JDConfig = {
isUTC: boolean
offset: number
const jd = JD.fromTimestamp(1684040400)
Gregorian calendar convert to Julian Day Number without create JD instance
-- static method --
* Gregorian calendar to Julian Day Number
* @param date Gregorian calendar date
* @param isUTC is UTC?
* @returns Julian Day Number
JD.gre2jdn(date?: Date | Partial<DateDict> | string, isUTC = false): number
type DateDict = {
year: number
month: number
day: number
hour: number
minute: number
second: number
millisecond?: number
const jdn = JD.gre2jdn('2023-05-09', true)
console.log(jdn) // 2460073.5
Julian Day Number convert to Gregorian calendar without create JD instance
-- static method --
* Gregorian calendar to Julian Day Number
* @param date Gregorian calendar date
* @param isUTC is UTC? defalut `false`
* @returns Julian Day Number
JD.jdn2gre(jdn: number, isUTC = false): Required<DateDict>
type DateDict = {
year: number
month: number
day: number
hour: number
minute: number
second: number
millisecond?: number
const gre = JD.jdn2gre('2460073.5', true)
Returns the Gregorian DateDict
object for the current JD instance
toGre(): DateDict
const gre = JD.fromJdn('2460073.5').toGre()
Get Julian Day Number
const jd = JD.fromGre('2023-05-09', { isUTC: true })
console.log(jd.jdn) // 2460073.5
clone a JD instance
const jd = JD.fromGre('2023-05-09', { isUTC: true })
const jd2 = jd.clone()
Change to UTC mode. Returns a new JD instance.
const jd = JD.fromGre('2023-05-09')
const jd2 = jd.utc()
Change to local mode. Returns a new JD instance.
const jd = JD.fromGre('2023-05-09', { isUTC: true })
const jd2 = jd.local()
Check whether the current instance is in UTC mode. return boolean value.
const jd = JD.fromGre('2023-05-09', { isUTC: true })
console.log(jd.isUTC()) // true
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond
get year, month, day, hour, minute, second or millisecond
const jd = JD.fromJdn(2460101, { isUTC: true })
console.log(jd.year) // 2023
console.log(jd.month) // 6
console.log(jd.day) // 5
console.log(jd.hour) // 12
console.log(jd.minute) // 0
console.log(jd.second) // 0
console.log(jd.millisecond) // 0 (Due to the precision of decimal calculations, the calculation of milliseconds is only an approximation )
console.log(jd.dayOfWeek) // 1
Get timestamp
const jd = JD.fromGre('2023-05-15 16:30', { isUTC: true })
console.log(jd.timestamp) // 1684168200000
Get a new Date object instance.
Note that if your year is less than 1900, it is not guaranteed to get the correct Date object.
const jd = JD.fromGre('2023-05-15 16:30', { isUTC: true })
const d = jd.toDate()
console.log(d.getFullYear()) // 2023
format time. return string.
format(formatStr?: string): string
const jd = JD.fromJdn(2460101, { isUTC: true })
console.log(jd.fromat('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')) // 2023-06-06 12:00:00
| Format | Output | Description | | ---- | ---- | --- | | YY | 23 | Two-digit year | | YYYY | 2023 | Four-digit year| | M | 1-12 | The month, beginning at 1 | | MM | 01-12 | The month, 2-digits | | D | 1-31 | The day of the month | | DD | 01-31 | The day of the month, 2-digits | | H | 0-23 | The hour | | HH | 00-23 | The hour, 2-digits | | h | 1-12 | The hour, 12-hour clock | | hh | 01-12 | The hour, 12-hour clock, 2-digits | | m | 0-59 | The minute | | mm | 00-59 | The minute, 2-digits | | s | 0-59 | The second | | ss | 00-59 | The second, 2-digits | | SSS | 000-999 | The millisecond, 3-digits | | A | AM PM | | | a | am pm | |
Time adds or subtracts, Returns a new JD instance.
add(value: number, unit: GreUnit): JD
type GreUnit =
| 'millisecond'
| 'second'
| 'minute'
| 'hour'
| 'day'
| 'month'
| 'year'
| 'ms'
| 's'
| 'm'
| 'h'
| 'd'
| 'M'
| 'y'
const jd = JD.fromGre('2023-05-09 12:00:00', { isUTC: true })
// add 1 day
const jd2 = jd.add(1, 'day')
console.log(jd2.fromat('YYYY-MM-DD')) // 2023-05-10
// subtract 1 day
console.log(jd.add(-1, 'day').fromat('YYYY-MM-DD')) // 2023-05-08
// add 1 month
console.log(jd.add(1, 'month').fromat('YYYY-MM-DD')) // 2023-06-09
| Unit | Shorthand | Description | | ----| --- | --- | | day | d | Day | | month | M | Month | | year | y | Year | | hour | h | Hour | | minute | m | Minute | | second | s | Second | | millisecond | ms | Millisecond |
Get the Julian Day Number
of January 1, 2000.
import { J2000 } from '@lunisolar/julian'
console.log(J2000) // 2451545
Convert Date object to DateDict object.
import { date2DateDict } from '@lunisolar/julian'
const date = new Date(2023, 5, 9)
const dd = date2DateDict(date)
console.log(dd.year) // 2023
console.log(dd.month) // 5
console.log(dd.day) // 9
console.log(dd.hour) // 0
console.log(dd.minute) // 0
console.log(dd.second) // 0