Tool for creating [userscripts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Userscript) with typescript.
XMonkey TypeScript Lib
Tool for creating userscripts with typescript.
With XMonkey there are two ways of creating userscripts:
Project with both examples here
npm i -D @lukaskj/xmonkey
# or
pnpm i -D @lukaskj/xmonkey
Console Scripts
A "Console Script" is a simple script that will run in the background. See a console script example here.
Creating an Console Script
- Create an class as entrypoint for your script. Only entry class must be the
default export
. - The class must be decorated with the
decorator and be populated with the userscript metadata. See userscript metadata guide. - Also, the class must implement the
// ConsoleScript decorator
"@name": "Youtube Adblocker",
"@namespace": "scripts",
"@version": "1.0",
"@description": "Youtube Custom Adblocker",
"@author": "Lukas",
"@match": "https://www.youtube.com/*",
export default class implements IConsoleScript {
// Implements IConsoleScript interface
async execute() {}
Ui Scripts
"Ui Script" is an userscript with an prebuilt UI. It is created using preact and have scss support out of the box. See the example code here.
Creating an Ui Script
Install preact
pnpm add preact@^10.19.7
Add the following to
"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "react-jsx", // this
"jsxImportSource": "preact", // this
- Create an class as entrypoint for your script. Only entry class must be the
default export
. - The class must be decorated with the
decorator and be populated with the userscript metadata. See userscript metadata guide. - Also, the class must implement the
// UiScript decorator
"@name": "WhatsApp Example",
"@namespace": "example",
"@match": "https://web.whatsapp.com/",
"@version": "1.0",
"@author": "-",
"@description": "-",
"@grant": ["GM.addStyle"],
export default class WhatsAppExample implements IUiScript {
// Implements IUiScript interface
title: string = "Example";
async render() {}
To build the class to an working userscript, run the xmonkey
binary with the script as argument.
xmonkey src/example-console-script.ts
# for Ui Scripts
xmonkey src/example-console-script.tsx
Known bugs
- The UiScript render function has a but that it cannot have any hook or it won't work. The workaround is to return a single component in the UiScript that this component can use any preact hook as usual. See example here.