Dropbox file API wrapper for storing json data.
Dropbox file API wrapper for storing json data.
Have you ever noticed that their stuff is shit and your shit is stuff? (George Carlin)
const backend = new DropboxBackend(token);
const store = new Luggage(backend);
const articles = store.collection('articles');
articles.where({ author: 'John Doe' }).read().then((articles) => {
console.log('John\'s articles:', articles);
/* or you can provide a function */
articles.where(article => article.authors.includes('John Doe')).read().then((articles) => {
console.log('John\'s articles:', articles);
/* Listen to filtered data updates */
articles.where({ author: 'John Doe' }).on('data', (articles) => {
console.log('John\'s articles:', articles);
/* You can stack conditions */
articles.where({ author: 'John Doe' }).where(article => article.comments > 0)
/* or more readable */
articles.where({ author: 'John Doe' }).and(article => article.comments > 0)
Finding single record
/* Collection#find returns the first record found */
articles.find({ author: 'John Doe' }).read().then((article) => {
console.log('John\'s article:', article);
/* Collection#find takes a function */
articles.find(article => article.author === 'John Doe').read().then((article) => {
console.log('John\'s article:', article);
/* Listen to single record updates */
articles.find({ author: 'John Doe' }).on('data', (article) => {
console.log('John\'s article:', article);
Updating record
/* Simple merge with existing record */
articles.find({ id: 1 }).update({ author: 'Jane Doe' }).then(([article]) => {
console.log('Author changed:', article.author);
/* Record#update takes a function (surprise :)) */
articles.find(article => article.id === 42).update((article) => {
article.authors.push('Jane Doe');
return article; // Do not forget to return new record
Adding new record
articles.add({ author: 'John Doe', body: 'Blah blah blah mr. Freeman' }).then(([article]) => {
console.log('New article was added:', article);
Deleting record
articles.find({ id: 1 }).delete().then(([article]) => {
console.log('No longer within collection:', article);