Nim game library
Nim game library
npm install @luchsamapparat/nim
Develop, build and test
Install dependcies first via npm install
. Then...
npm run build
Clean thedist
directory, run TSLint and build the librarynpm run watch
Clean thedist
directory, build and test the library in parallel and repeat on file changenpm test
Run tests
For this to work, git must be installed on the machine.
npm run release
builds the library, commits the changes todist
, creates a new version and pushes it to the repository
Basic Usage
import { GameState, Player, playRound, remainderStrategy, startGame } from '@luchsamapparat/nim';
const gameState: GameState = startGame({
heapSize: 13,
minTokensToRemove: 1,
maxTokensToRemove: 3,
startingPlayer: Player.Human,
strategy: remainderStrategy()
// game = {
// playNextRound: (tokensToRemove: number) => Game
// state: {
// config: {
// heapSize: 13,
// minTokensToRemove: 1,
// maxTokensToRemove: 3,
// startingPlayer: Player.Human,
// strategy: {
// getNextTurn: (gameState: GameState) => number
// }
// },
// heapSize: 13,
// minTokensAllowedToRemove: 1,
// maxTokensAllowedToRemove: 3,
// turns: [],
// winner: null
// }
// }
const updatedGameState: GameState = playRound(2)(gameState);
// game = {
// playNextRound: (tokensToRemove: number) => Game
// state: {
// config: {
// heapSize: 13,
// minTokensToRemove: 1,
// maxTokensToRemove: 3,
// startingPlayer: Player.Human,
// strategy: {
// getNextTurn: (gameState: GameState) => number
// }
// },
// heapSize: 8,
// minTokensAllowedToRemove: 1,
// maxTokensAllowedToRemove: 3,
// turns: [
// { player: 'Human', tokensRemoved: 2 },
// { player: 'Machine', tokensRemoved: 3 }
// ],
// winner: null
// }
// }
Using a Strategy
import { NimGame, Player, remainderStrategy } from '@luchsamapparat/nim';
const gameConfig = {
heapSize: 13,
minTokensToRemove: 1,
maxTokensToRemove: 3,
startingPlayer: Player.Human,
// the computer always removes the minimum allowed number of tokens
strategy: alwaysMinStrategy()
// the computer always removes the same number of tokens as the opponent did
strategy: mimicHumanStrategy()
// the computer removes randomly removes tokens according to the minimum and maximun allowed number of tokens
strategy: randomStrategy()
// the computer tries to leave the minimum allowed number of tokens to the opponent in the last round
strategy: remainderStrategy()