soluneo cli
LowCode CMS CLI (Beta)
This is the Soluneo LowCode CMS CommandLine Tool to help with local development and to manage your Server in the Cloud.
LowCode CMS is not Generally Available yet. This is a Technology Preview for Early Adapters. Interested to learn more? Visit us on www.lowcodecms.com or register directly on https://my.lowcodecms.com
Getting Started
LowCode CMS CLi requires a local Docker installation (see https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/).
You need to register at https://my.lowcodecms.com in order to be able to login and download the development build. Until GA, once you are registered, you have to click the claim developer access button to request access to the developer preview program.
npm install @lowcodecms/cli -g
or with Yarn
yarn global add @lowcodecms/cli
To be able to get updates and install LowCode CMS Developer build on your machine, you need to perform once a login on your computer.
sol login
This will open your Browser to authenticate to my.lowcodecms.com. You can follow the instructions in the Browser window.
Local Development
Each LowCode CMS installation has to be in it's own folder, since the CLI will create a hidden subdirectory .lowcodecms in the directory you perform the setup command.
Before you can setup your local development instance, you have to
perform one time the sol login
command. This is authenticating you globally in your system:
sol setup
- in directory you want to setup the dev server. If the choosen directory will hold the Application code, don't forget to add
to your .gitignore file
- in directory you want to setup the dev server. If the choosen directory will hold the Application code, don't forget to add
sol start
- In the installation directory
It might take a while the first time because the CLI is downloading all microservice images. To see detailed progress you can open another terminal window and check status with sol logs -f
Right now the local LowCode CMS instance is starting on port 80 - this will be configurable in future.
After succesful installation the CLI will open your Browser at http://localhost/console/
Command Line Overview
sol setup
- in directory you want to install the dev server (should be another directory then application code)
sol start
- in installation directory to start the LowCode CMS
sol stop
- in installation directory to stop running instance
sol update
- In installation directory. This is updating the local development to latest LowCode CMS development version
sol logs
- in installation directory. display last 100 logs
sol --help
Note: It is save to perform
sol update
in existing installation directories. instance data will not be overwritten.
In directory with application code (first download some app from your instance or try https://github.com/solutas/solutas.ch as an example) run following command to start the watch mode:
sol install -w
sol install
if you just want to install the application without update on local file changes.
If you don't have access to this repository yet get in touch with your point of contact.
Once installed trigger Site > Build
in Console to update the build to include the new Apps.