React library for generate stable ID inside suspense.
A suspension that knows where it is
React useId()
doesn't return a stable ID when used inside <Suspense>
. This is a huge problem that slows down the development of libraries for concurrent mode in React. Read related issue.
Another problem is the synchronization state of the client and server when streaming html. This package also helps to analyze suspense chunks.
Getting started
The package is distributed using npm, the node package manager.
npm i --save @lomray/consistent-suspense
How to use
import { ConsistentSuspenseProvider, Suspense, useId } from '@lomray/consistent-suspense';
* 1. Wrap your root component in ConsistentSuspenseProvider
* 2. Use <Suspense> component from lib
const App: FC = () => {
const [state] = useState();
return (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<SomeComponent />
/** in case when we have more then 1 async component inside suspense,
we have to use 'NS' wrapper **/
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<Suspense.NS> { /** this wrapper only for async component **/ }
<SomeComponent />
<SomeComponent />
* 3. Now any components inside ConsistentSuspenseProvider can generate consistent id's
const SomeComponent: FC = () => {
// this id will be the same between client and server
const id = useId();
return (
<div>I'm have the same id on server and client: {id}</div>
Analyze suspense html chunks (streaming)
import StreamSuspense from '@lomray/consistent-suspense/server';
app.use('*', (req, res, next) => {
const suspenseStream = StreamSuspense.create((suspenseId) => {
// do something
const anyState = anyStateManager
return `<script>var managerState = ${anyState};</script>`;
* then extend write express (or another lib) method
* analyze html and add
const write = res.write.bind(res);
res.write = (data, ...args): boolean => {
// be careful, data can be uint8 or string, you need handle it (use Buffer)
const additionalHtml = suspenseStream.analyze(data);
return write(data + additionalHtml, ...args) as boolean;
Investigate demo app to more understand how it works.
Bugs and feature requests
Bug or a feature request, please open a new issue.
Made with 💚
Published under MIT License.