vault connect sdk
LoginID Fido Vault SDK
Fido Vault SDK is a javascript library to securely connect and sign transaction with Fido Vault.
Add SDK to Application
Install using npm:
npm install @loginid/vault-sdk
Create SDK Instance
import {FidoVaultSDK} from "@loginid/vault-sdk";
// initialize wallet instance
const wallet = new FidoVaultSDK(process.env.VAULT_URL || "https://vault.testnet.loginid.io");
Fido Vault Addresses Discovery API
An API for a function used to discover the addresses a wallet user is willing to use for a given Algorand DApp.
async enable(network: EnableOpts): Promise<EnableResult>
// support optional network "mainnet | testnet | sandnet"
export interface EnableOpts {
network?: string;
genesisID?: string;
genesisHash?: string;
export interface EnableResult {
genesisID: string;
genesisHash: string;
accounts: AlgorandAddress[];
try {
const result = await wallet.enable({ network: "testnet" });
if (result != null) {
// store user addresses
localStorage.setItem("addresses", result.accounts);
} catch (error) {
Fido Vault Transaction Signing API
An API for a function used to sign a list of transactions on the Algorand blockchain.
async signTxns(txns: WalletTransaction[], opts?: SignTxnsOpts): Promise<TxnsResult>
export interface TxnsResult {
txnIds: TxnId[];
signTxn: string[];
export interface WalletTransaction {
* Base64 encoding of the canonical msgpack encoding of a Transaction.
txn: string;
* Optional authorized address used to sign the transaction when the account
* is rekeyed. Also called the signor/sgnr.
authAddr?: AlgorandAddress;
* Optional list of addresses that must sign the transactions
signers?: AlgorandAddress[];
* Optional base64 encoding of the canonical msgpack encoding of a
* SignedTxn corresponding to txn, when signers=[]
stxn?: string;
* Optional message explaining the reason of the transaction
message?: string;
* Optional message explaining the reason of this group of transaction
* Field only allowed in the first transaction of a group
groupMessage?: string;
Example Sign Transaction:
try {
// construct a transaction note
const note = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from("Simple Payment", "utf8"));
// get user address from discovery api
const addr = localStorage.getItem("user_default_address");
// dapp recieving address
const receiver =
// create a payment transaction using algosdk from official algorand js sdk (https://github.com/algorand/js-algorand-sdk)
const txn = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject({
from: addr,
to: receiver,
amount: 1000000,
suggestedParams: params,
// initialize WalletTransaction interface
let wTxn: WalletTransaction = {
txn: Buffer.from(txn.toByte()).toString("base64"),
signers: [addr],
// request signing from Fido Vault
const res = await wallet.signTxns([wTxn]);
// send sign transaction to algorand node
const post = await postTransaction(res.signTxn);
} catch (error) {