Shared Biome with ESLint configuration for use in Livery projects using TypeScript and Lit custom elements.
Shared Biome with ESLint configuration for use in Livery projects using TypeScript and Lit custom elements.
This uses Biome for most linting and formatting, see biome.jsonc for details.
And ESLint for additional linting, see eslint.config.js for details.
Install the dependencies:
npm install -D @biomejs/biome eslint @liveryvideo/biome-lit
Create biome.jsonc
with: (you can add project specific overrides below)
"$schema": "https://biomejs.dev/schemas/1.9.0/schema.json",
"extends": ["@liveryvideo/biome-lit/biome"]
Create eslint.config.js
import configs from '@liveryvideo/biome-lit/eslint';
export default configs;
Add scripts to package.json
"scripts": {
"lint": "biome check && eslint && tsc",
"lint:fix": "eslint --fix && biome check --fix"
Note: Fix eslint first to leave final formatting up to biome. P.e: with eslint perfectionist changing member sorting and then biome wrapping lines. But while linting start with biome to fail as fast as possible.
To check formatting and linting rules and possibly exit with errors:
npm run lint
To automatically fix errors and possibly exit with remaining errors:
npm run lint:fix
This assumes the following conventional files/directories:
- Should be supported by Biome, but for now we manually specifyindentStyle: space
- Is supported by Biome, but not by ESLint, there we manually specify ignores:dist/, ext/, node_modules/
- SDK test or App pageindex.ts
- SDK exports or App codelivery-*.ts
- SDK test or App element(s)package.json
- NPM package configdist/
- Bundled files for distributionext/
- Any external (third party) source files, only formatted (not linted) by biome; to be imported from TypeScript source filessrc/**/*.ts
- Source files processed through biome, eslint, typescript and server/bundler (e.g: vite)test/**/*.ts
- Unit test files (e.g: vitest) with names matching the source modules they test and.test.ts
- TypeScript config
Based on the conventions above this will:
- Indent using 2 spaces and use single quotes for formatting
index.*, livery-*.ts, src/**/*.ts, test/**/*.ts
are formatted by Biome and strictly linted using all rules but for a few- All other supported files (e.g: config, scripts) but those matching
are formatted by Biome- And all of those but
are linted using only the recommended rules
- And all of those but
- All supported files but
dist/, ext/, node_modules/
are linted by ESLint using rules from plugins: lit, perfectionist, tsdoc and wc- Where
files are parsed using typescript-eslint
- Where
Additional installation
VS Code
Install extensions: Biome and ESLint.
And in settings.json
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"quickfix.biome": "explicit",
"source.organizeImports.biome": "explicit",
"source.fixAll.eslint": "explicit"
"editor.defaultFormatter": "biomejs.biome",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
Git pre-commit
To check and, where possible, auto fix errors while committing:
Install dependencies:
npm install -D husky lint-staged
Create .husky/pre-commit
npx lint-staged -r
Add lint-stage config to package.json
"lint-staged": {
"*": ["biome check --fix --no-errors-on-unmatched", "eslint --fix"]
Add a step to your test jobs, e.g:
npm ci
npm run lint
npm test
CI Error
If CI results in: Error: Cannot find module '@biomejs/cli-linux-x64/biome'
then on your machine:
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
npm install
And commit and push to try again.
See: https://github.com/npm/cli/issues/4828