communicate to wx mp
Interface to wx
According to Low Coupling and High cohesion, using as less dependencies as possibel.
Has no side effect feature, such as storage.
How to use
npm install --save @liuhlightning/wx-mp
# or
yarn add @liuhlightning/wx-mp
import { WxMp } from "@liuhlightning/wx-mp";
const wxMp = new WxMp({
appId: "your app id",
appSecret: "your app secret",
* param for wx share platform
export interface WxMpParam {
* appid ask on wx share platform
* https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/offiaccount/Basic_Information/Interface_field_description.html
appId: string;
* app secret ask on wx share platform
* https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/offiaccount/Basic_Information/Interface_field_description.html
appSecret: string;
* end point, override the default end point
* https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/offiaccount/Basic_Information/Interface_field_description.html
baseURL?: string;
* using backup end point
* https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/offiaccount/Basic_Information/Interface_field_description.html
useBackupBaseURL?: boolean;
* timeout, override axios config
timeout?: number;
* axios config
axiosConfig?: CreateAxiosDefaults;
access token
access token get by request will store in store, could use the value in store before expire.
// get from store
const accessToken = wxMp.accessToken;
// get by request
const accessToken = await wxMp.getAccessToken();
// check if expired, then get
const accessToken = wxMp.checkAccessTokenExpire()
? await wxMp.getAccessToken()
: wxMp.accessToken;
ticket get by request will store in store, could use the value in store before expire.
// get from store
const ticket = wxMp.ticket;
// get by request
const ticket = await wxMp.getTicket();
// check if expired, then get
const ticket = wxMp.checkTicketExpire()
? await wxMp.getTicket()
: wxMp.ticket;
URL sign
sign the url open in wx
const {
} = wxMp.getSignature("http://mp.weixin.qq.com?params=value");
the signatrue should send to front for wxjssdk.
Mini program login
const {
} = await wxMp.code2Session(codeFromMiniapp);
using openid unionid and session_key maintance your login state.
Mini program get user phone number
const { phone_info } = await wxMp.getUserPhoneNumber(codeFromMiniapp);
if(!phone_info) throw new Error("null phone info");
const { phoneNumber } = phone_info;
OAuth url auth
const wxMp = new WxMp({
appId: "your app id",
appSecret: "your app secret",
redirectUrl: "https://domain.com/some_url",
const url = wxMp.generateOAuthUrl("snsapi_userinfo");
// or
const url = wxMp.generateOAuthUrl({
redirectUrl: "https://domain.com/some_url",
scope: "snsapi_userinfo",
state: "some_state",
// get access token, this token is form user auth, not access token above.
const accessToken = await wxMp.getOAuthAccessToken(tokenFromFront);
// get user info
const { openid, nickname, sex, headimgurl } = await wxMp.getOAuthUserInfo(accessTokenGetByAbove);
Maintance access token and ticket
using node-schedule
import { scheduleJob } from "node-schedule";
import { WxMp } from "../src";
const wxMp = new WxMp({
appId: "your app id",
appSecret: "your app secret",
async function initWxMp() {
// init access token
await wxMp.getAccessToken();
// init ticket
await wxMp.getTicket();
// check every 5 min
scheduleJob({ second: 0, minute: "*/5" }, () => {
if (wxMp.checkAccessTokenExpire()) wxMp.getAccessToken();
// check every 5 min
scheduleJob({ second: 15, minute: "*/5" }, () => {
if (wxMp.checkTicketExpire()) wxMp.getTicket();