copy, configure, npm install, zip, test, upload gulp tasks for aws lambda
##AWS Lambda Gulp Tasks
This is a set of gulp tasks that copy, configure, npm install, zip, test, upload gulp tasks for aws lambda. The main difference between these gulp tasks and others I have found is it allows you to run tasks against multiple lambda handlers at once.
Install @literacyplanet/lambda_gulp_deploy
npm install @literacyplanet/lambda_gulp_deploy --save-dev
Install gulp (global is optional)
npm install gulp -g
In your local gulpfile.js
// add to gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
var tasks = require('@literacyplanet/lambda_gulp_deploy');
// pass along gulp reference to have tasks imported
Gulp Options
- --handlerPath prefix to match path. Defaults to ./lambda/handlers/
- --dist path to dist dir. Defaults to ./lambda/dist/
- --configsPath path to configs dir. Defaults to ./lambda/configs/
- --match match packages using node-glob. It looks for [handlerPath]/[match]/package.json
- --env adds env to name of lambda and uses env to lookup .env file in [configsPath]/config.env.[env]
- --lambdaRole needed when creating new lambdas
- --testTimeout defaults to 2000 (2 seconds)
aws credentials are looked up in your environment. Check the aws-sdk for info as to where the configs live (hint ~/.aws/credentials).
Deploy Example
gulp deploy --match=** --env=staging --lambdaRole=arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/
- Deletes the {dist}/{handler} dir
- Copies all files (excluding node_modules, test, README.md, MakeFile) from handler folder to {dist}/{handler} folder
- Runs npm install --production on {dist}/{handler} folder
- Copies environment vars from {configsPath}/{handler}/.env.{env} to {dist}/{handler}/.env
- Zips {dist}/{handler} directory to {dist}/{handler}.zip
- Uploads zip file to Lambda service using the name from {handler}/package.json with an -environment prefix (eg. my_awsome_lambda_handler-staging). It uses the aws config located in {configsPath}/{handler}/aws.{env}.json to set the Role, Timeout, Handler, MemorySize and Region. If a command line arg is set, configs take precedence over these settings.
- Creates/updates/deletes event sources using the config located in {configsPath}/{handler}/aws.{env}.json
aws.{env}.json Format
"EventSources": [
"EventSourceArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:xxxxxx:table/my_dynamo_table/stream/2015-12-03T01:01:02.357",
"StartingPosition": "TRIM_HORIZON",
"Enabled": true,
"BatchSize": 1
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/lambda_basic_execution",
"Timeout": 300,
"Handler": "index.handler",
"MemorySize": 128,
"Region": "us-east-1"
Test Example
gulp test --match=**
- Deletes the {handler}/node_modules dir
- Runs npm in handlers folder (no production flag)
- Runs tests from handlers folder
- Concatenates coverage reports into one file (coverage/lcov.info) to make lambdas appear to be one project
Independent tasks
Build & deploy
- build-clean
- copy-files
- env
- build-npm-install
- zip
- upload
- link-event-sources
Running tests
- test-clean
- test-npm-install
- run-test
- concat-coverage-reports
Custom tasks
This module exports an eachPackage
method that uses async.eachLimit to apply the task in parallel (up to limit). The eachPackage
method calls back with a handler that has the following props on.
pkg the package.json as an object literal pkgPath the path to the handlers package.json srcDir the path to the handler destDir the path to packages destination
var gulp = require('gulp');
var tasks = require('@literacyplanet/lambda_gulp_deploy');
gulp.task('my-custom-task', ['find-packages'], function(callback) {
var limit = 5; // apply this task to 5 packages at once!
tasks.eachPackage(limit, function iterator(handler, cb) {
// do something with this package
// { pkg:
// { name: 'my_handler',
// version: '1.0.0',
// description: '',
// main: 'index.js',
// author: 'Tim Fairbrother',
// scripts:
// { test: 'node_modules/.bin/mocha --compilers js:babel/register',
// watch_test: 'node_modules/.bin/mocha -w --compilers js:babel/register',
// run: 'node_modules/.bin/babel index.js' },
// license: 'ISC',
// dependencies:
// { dotenv: '^1.2.0',
// moment: '^2.10.3' },
// devDependencies:
// { babel: '^5.6.14',
// 'expect.js': '^0.3.1',
// mocha: '^2.2.4',
// nock: '^2.12.0',
// proxyquire: '^1.4.0',
// sinon: '^1.14.1' } },
// pkgPath: '/Users/timfairbrother/code/lambda/handlers/my_handler/package.json',
// srcDir: '/Users/timfairbrother/code/lambda/handlers/my_handler',
// destDir: 'dist/my_handler/' }
// Call this when done!
}, callback);
To override the deploy or test tasks, use run-sequence to create a newly named task with the tasks in the order you choose.