Freehand image cropper
LF Freehand image cropper
Freehand image cropper built with HTML5 canvas
Project setup
npm install @linkfuture/cropper
import cropper from '@linkfuture/cropper';
let cropper = new Cropper("canvas",option); //canvas id or canvas object
cropper.setImage("<backgaround image source>");//backgaround image source, url or base64 image string
cropper.getImage(); //get image source
cropper.startPen(option); //start crop by using pen
cropper.startRectangle(option); //start draw a rectangle for cropping
cropper.getPos(); //get position list of object, which related to the image
cropper.clear(); //clear all drawing, but for the image
cropper.destroy(); //clear all drawing and image, destory paper objects
cropper.crop(imgPos); //get croppered image by passing image position, which given by cropper.getPos()
cropper.draw(points,option); //draw sharp by given points, options.onDrawEnd(path) event.
cropper.options; //get or set options
cropper.enableFullMove(); // enable full move model, any drawing object will be moved or zoom with the image.
cropper.disableFullMove(); // disable full move model, image and drawing object will be moved or zoom by selected
cropper.objects[1].getPos() //get object position, which related to the image
cropper.objects[1].move //boolean, moveable
cropper.objects[1].zoom //boolean, zoomable
cropper.objects[1].locked //boolean, can't select and move
cropper.objects[1].selectedColor //color when selected
cropper.objects[1].strokeColor //color for pen
move:true //element moveable
select:true //element selectable
zoom:true //element zoomable
fullZoom:true //entire object zoomable
strokeColor:"#39f" //color for pen
selectedColor:null //color for selected object
fillColor:new Color(0,0,0,0.1) //color for fill object
onSelected:(obj)=>{} //event when selected object
onDrawEnd:(path)=>{} //event when draw end
Compiles and minifies for production
npm run release //generate cropper.min.js
npm run start //start local demo
Freehand image cropper release package
download here