Touch target mixins and variables for Material Components for the web
Touch Target
Touch targets are the parts of the screen that respond to user input. They extend beyond the visual bounds of an element. For example, a button may appear to be 48 x 36 px, but the padding surrounding it comprises the full 48 x 48 px touch target.
Material Design spec states that touch targets should be at least 48 x 48 px. The MDC Web library provides mixins and guidance on adding an increased touch target for the following components:
- Button
- Chips
- Checkbox
- Radio
- Mini FAB
Design & API Documentation
npm install @limetech/mdc-p2-touch-target
Basic Usage
HTML Structure
For a given button component:
<button class="mdc-button">
<div class="mdc-button__ripple"></div>
<span class="mdc-button__label">My Inaccessible Button</span>
You would add an increased touch target as follows:
<div class="mdc-touch-target-wrapper>
<button class="mdc-button mdc-button--touch">
<div class="mdc-button__ripple"></div>
<span class="mdc-button__label">My Accessible Button</span>
<div class="mdc-button__touch"></div>
Note that the outer mdc-touch-target-wrapper
element is only necessary if you want to avoid potentially overlapping touch targets on adjacent elements (due to collapsing margins).
@import "@limetech/mdc-p2-touch-target/mdc-touch-target";
Style Customization
Sass Mixins
Mixin | Description
--- | ---
| Applied to the wrapper touch target element.
| Applied to the inner touch target element.
| Applied to the component root element. Adds margin to compensate for the increased touch target.