ZK Compression: Secure Scaling on Solana
ZK Compression CLI
CLI to interact with compressed accounts and compressed tokens on Solana.
Ensure you have Node >= v20.9.0 installed on your machine.
You will need a valid Solana filesystem wallet set up at
. If you don't have one yet, visit the Solana documentation for details. The CLI will use this wallet as the default fee payer and mint authority.
Using npm
npm install -g @lightprotocol/zk-compression-cli
Building from source
If you prefer to build the CLI from source, follow the steps below to install the necessary prerequesites.
1. Activate the Development Environment
Ensure you are at the root of the monorepo.
. ./scripts/devenv
2. Install and build the monorepo from source. This also builds the CLI.
3. Make your CLI available globally
pnpm link --global
# Verify the CLI was correctly installed
which light
1. Once globally installed, start the Light test validator
light test-validator
This starts a Solana test-validator with the Light system programs and accounts, a prover server, and the Photon indexer as background processes against a clean ledger.
# Pass --skip-indexer to start without the indexer
light test-validator --skip-indexer
# Pass --skip-prover to start without the prover
light test-validator --skip-prover
Note: The CLI currently runs the photon indexer and light-prover as background processes at port:
2. Ensure you have sufficient localnet funds
# Airdrop 1 SOL
solana airdrop 1
# Print your address
solana address
# Print your balance
solana balance
Now you're all set up to run CLI commands :)
Using Devnet
By default, the CLI interacts with localnet. You can view the current config by running:
light config --get
To switch to Devnet, point the URLs to an RPC supporting ZK Compression. For example, run:
light config --indexerUrl "https://devnet.helius-rpc.com/?api-key=<api-key>" \
--proverUrl "https://devnet.helius-rpc.com/?api-key=<api-key>" \
--solanaRpcUrl "https://devnet.helius-rpc.com/?api-key=<api-key>"
Also adjust your solana config:
# Set config
solana config set --url "https://devnet.helius-rpc.com/?api-key=<api-key>"
# Airdrop 1 SOL
solana airdrop 1
# Print your address
solana address
Create a compressed token mint
light create-mint
$ light create-mint [--mint-keypair <value>] [--mint-authority <value>]
[--mint-decimals <value>]
--mint-authority=<value> Path to the mint authority keypair file.
Defaults to default local Solana wallet file
--mint-decimals=<value> Number of base 10 digits to the right
of the decimal place [default: 9].
--mint-keypair=<value> Path to a mint keypair file. Defaults to a
random keypair.
Mint compressed tokens to a Solana wallet
light mint-to --mint "YOUR_MINT_ADDRESS" --to "YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS" --amount 4200000000
$ light mint-to --mint <value> --to <value> --amount <value>
[--mint-authority <value>]
--amount=<value> (required) Amount to mint.
--mint=<value> (required) Mint address.
--mint-authority=<value> File path of the mint authority keypair.
Defaults to local Solana wallet.
--to=<value> (required) Recipient address.
Transfer compressed tokens from one wallet to another
light transfer --mint "YOUR_MINT_ADDRESS" --to "RECIPIENT_WALLET_ADDRESS" --amount 4200000000
$ light transfer --mint <value> --to <value> --amount <value>
[--fee-payer <value>]
--amount=<value> (required) Amount to send.
--fee-payer=<value> Fee payer account. Defaults to the client
--mint=<value> (required) Mint to transfer
--to=<value> (required) Recipient address
Assign native SOL to a compressed account
light compress-sol --amount 1000 --to "YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS_BASE58"
$ light compress-sol --to <value> --amount <value>
--amount=<value> (required) Amount to compress in lamports.
--to=<value> (required) Specify the recipient address.
Decompress into native SOL
light decompress-sol --amount 42 --to "YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS_BASE58"
$ light decompress-sol --to <value> --amount <value>
--amount=<value> (required) Amount to decompress in lamports.
--to=<value> (required) Specify the recipient address.
- Always feel free to join the Developer Discord for help!
- For more info about the canonical indexer implementation built and maintained by Helius Labs, refer to the Photon codebase.
- For more info about Light, refer to the documentation.