Lightning TV Core for Universal Renderers
Lightning TV Core for Universal Renderers
Provides an abstraction layer for Lightning Renderer which Universal renders like Solid & Vue can use.
Upgrade guide 2.5
All states in style object must start with a $. So focus: will be $focus. Additionally, any state keys you use must also be prefixed with a $ - states={{ $active: true }}
- this will provide better Typescript support.
onBeforeLayout is removed, use onLayout instead
onAnimation added onAnimation?: Record<AnimationEvents, AnimationEventHandler>;
- onAnimationStarted and onAnimationFinished removed, use onAnimation.
onEvents is now onEvent with signature
onEvent?: Record<NodeEvents, EventHandler>;
- onLoad and onFailed removed, use onEvent instead
loaded: callbackFunc;
Use effects in style is preferred for performance:
border, borderLeft/Right/Top/Bottom, linearGradient, radialGradient, borderRadius are all effects.
So rather than using borderRadius, use effects: { border: { width: 10, color: 0x000000ff }, radius: { radius: 8 }}
(radius is the only weird one like this)