CLI to run Tools for the Weave in development mode
CLI to run Moss Tools in development mode.
This version is compatible with @lightningrodlabs/[email protected]
Usage: @lightningrodlabs/we-dev-cli [options]
Running Moss Tools in development mode.
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --profile <string> Runs We with a custom profile with its own dedicated data store.
-n, --network-seed <string> Installs AppStore with the provided network seed in case AppStore has not been installed yet.
-c, --dev-config <path> Runs Moss in Tool developer mode based on the configuration file at the specified path.
-b, --bootstrap-url <url> URL of the bootstrap server to use. Must be provided if running in Tool dev mode with the --dev-config
-s, --signaling-url <url> URL of the signaling server to use. Must be provided if running in Tool dev mode with the --dev-config
--force-production-urls Explicitly allow using the production URLs of bootstrap and/or singaling server during Tool development. It
is recommended to use hc-local-services to spin up a local bootstrap and signaling server instead during
--agent-idx <number> To be provided when running with the --dev-config option. Specifies which agent (as defined in the config file)
to run We for.
-h, --help display help for command
1. Define a config file
The config file specifies the groups and Tools to install and run. The following is an example
of a config file that will let the we-dev-cli
install one group with 3 Tools from different
import { defineConfig } from '@lightningrodlabs/we-dev-cli';
export default defineConfig({
groups: [
name: 'Tennis Club',
networkSeed: '098rc1m-09384u-crm-29384u-cmkj',
icon: {
type: 'filesystem',
path: './example/ui/tennis_club.png',
creatingAgent: {
agentIdx: 1,
agentProfile: {
nickname: 'Gaston',
avatar: {
type: 'filesystem',
path: './example/ui/gaston.jpeg',
joiningAgents: [
agentIdx: 2,
agentProfile: {
nickname: 'Marsupilami',
avatar: {
type: 'filesystem',
path: './example/ui/marsupilami.jpeg',
applets: [
name: 'Example Tool',
instanceName: 'Example Tool',
registeringAgent: 1,
joiningAgents: [2],
name: 'Example Tool Hot Reload',
instanceName: 'Example Tool Hot Reload',
registeringAgent: 1,
joiningAgents: [2],
name: 'notebooks',
instanceName: 'notebooks',
registeringAgent: 1,
joiningAgents: [2],
applets: [
name: 'Example Tool',
subtitle: 'Just an Example',
description: 'Just an example Tool to show the various affordances of Moss',
icon: {
type: 'filesystem',
path: './example/ui/icon.png',
source: {
type: 'filesystem',
path: './example/workdir/example-tool.webhapp',
name: 'Example Tool Hot Reload',
subtitle: 'Just an Example',
description: 'Just an example Tool to show the various affordances of Moss',
icon: {
type: 'filesystem',
path: './example/ui/icon.png',
source: {
type: 'localhost',
happPath: './example/workdir/example-tool.happ',
uiPort: 8888,
name: 'notebooks',
subtitle: 'Collaborative note taking',
description: 'Real-time notetaking based on syn',
icon: {
type: 'https',
url: 'https://lightningrodlabs.org/projects/notebooks.png',
source: {
type: 'https',
url: 'https://github.com/lightningrodlabs/notebooks/releases/download/v0.0.8/notebooks.webhapp',
2. Run Agents
To run an agent defined in the config file, you need to pass the --agent-idx
option (if not specified it
will default to agentIdx=1).
Run agent 1:
we-dev-cli --agent-idx 1
Run agent 2:
we-dev-cli --agent-idx 2