Node.js wrapper for the Lifters Food API
Getting Started
If you have not done so, please create an api account at the following: https://business.lifters.app/food-api
Install the Node js Lifters FoodApi wrapper
npm i @lifters-international/node-foodapi
Once imported you can start using the wrapper like so
const { FoodApi } = require("@lifters-international/node-foodapi");
const foodApi = new FoodApi("{FOOD_API_TOKEN}");
Functions & Uses:
await foodApi.verifyApiKey( throwError: boolean = false ) // Checks if the api_key provided is valid. And throws error if it is not.
await foodApi.getAllFood( limit?: number ) // Returns all food from Lifters Food Database, if a limit is given that limit on Food is returned.
await foodApi.searchFoodByName( name: string, limit?: number ) // Returns list of food in database with similar name.
await foodApi.getFoodByCategory( categories: FoodCategories, limit?: number ) // Returns list of food in database that meets one or all category.
await foodApi.getFoodById( id : string ) // Returns food with the given id.
Important Types:
type FoodCategories = {
calories?: number;
totalFat?: number;
saturatedFat?: number;
transFat?: number;
cholesterol?: number;
sodium?: number;
totalCarbohydrate?: number;
dietaryFiber?: number;
totalSugars?: number;
addedSugars?: number;
protein?: number;
vitaminD?: number;
calcium?: number;
iron?: number;
potassium?: number;
export type Food = {
id: string;
name: string;
calories: number;
servingSize: NutritionFactsJson;
nutritionFacts: NutritionFacts;
adminCreated: boolean;