Library for loading project secrets into AWS Secrets Manager
Library for loading secrets into AWS Secrets Mananager from a configuration file.
$ npm install @liflig/load-secrets
1. Create a script for loading secrets into AWS Secrets Manager
Create a script in your project for loading project secrets into AWS Secrets Manager.
Example: load-secrets-demo-service.ts
// 1. Import the library
import { loadSecrets } from "@capraconsulting/load-secrets";
// 2. Define the secrets
const demoServiceApiKey: loadSecrets.Secret = {
name: "demo-service-api-key",
description: "API key for the demo service",
type: "string"
// 3. Assign the secrets to SecretGroups (collections of associations between secrets and accounts)
const secretGroups: loadSecrets.SecretGroup[] = [
accountId: "123412341234",
region: "eu-west-1",
description: "dev",
namePrefix: "/dev/demo-svc/",
secrets: [demoServiceApiKey]
accountId: "234523452345",
region: "eu-west-1",
description: "staging",
namePrefix: "/staging/demo-svc/",
secrets: [demoServiceApiKey]
// 4. Load the secrets into AWS Secrets Manager
loadSecrets.loadSecretsCli({ secretGroups })
2. Assume an AWS role with the required permissions
Example: aws-vault exec team-squirrel-demo-service
Say, for example, that this command assumes AWS Account 123412341234.
3. Run the script
$ ./load-secrets-demo-service.ts
info Checking account for current credentials
info If any error is given, make sure you have valid credentials active
info Running for account 123412341234
Select secret to write:
dev (prefix: /dev/demo-svc/)
(0) demo-service-api-key (not yet created)
Enter index (or enter to quit): 0
Secret: /dev/demo-svc/demo-service-api-key
The secret does not already exist and will be created
Enter value (Ctrl+C to abort): test
Storing secret value:
Secret stored:
ARN: arn:aws:secretsmanager:eu-west-1:123412341234:secret:/dev/demo-svc/demo-service-api-key-UIqJ8N
Version: bdbf33c1-eda8-4aa1-b744-7c2006eae338
Select secret to write:
dev (prefix: /dev/demo-svc/)
0) test-secret-delete-me (last changed 2024-12-03T13:50:44.237Z)
Enter index (or enter to quit):