A React component which provides multi select functionality
React MultiSelect Component
npm install --save @liccampanavd/vd-multiselect
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import MultiSelect from '@liccampanavd/vd-multiselect'
class Example extends Component {
render() {
return <MultiSelect />
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------------ | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| clearEnabled
| boolean | true | Specifies whether to display the Clear button in the widget |
| disabled
| boolean | false | Specifies whether the widget responds to user interaction |
| disabledItems
| int[] | [] | Specifies the items whose should not be enabled |
| displayInfo
| boolean | true | Specifies the selection information text |
| elementAttr
| object | {} | Specifies the attributes to be attached to the widget's root element |
| height
| string | "" | Specifies the widget's height |
| labelKey
| string | "" | Specifies the data field whose values should be displayed |
| loading
| boolean | false | Specifies whether to show the loading indicator |
| onValueChanged
| func | undefined | A function that is executed when a item is selected or selection is canceled |
| searchEnabled
| boolean | true | Specifies whether to display the Search input in the widget |
| selectAllEnabled
| boolean | true | Specifies whether to display the Select All button in the widget |
| selectionMode
| string | multiple | Specifies item selection mode. One of: ["single", "multiple"] |
| store
| array | [] | Binds the widget to data |
| texts
| object | {search: "Search...",clear: "Clear",selectAll: "Select All",deselectAll: "Deselect All",items: "Item(s)",selectedItems: "Item(s) selected",noDataFound: "No data to display"} | Strings that can be changed or localized in the widget |
| title
| string | "" | The read-only option that holds the text displayed by the widget input element |
| value
| array | [] | Specifies the currently selected value(s) |
| valueKey
| string | "" | Specifies which data field provides unique values to the widget's value |
| width
| string | "" | Specifies the widget's width |
MIT © liccampanavd