Sequelize DataModel
This module will help you create better queries on your database using the power of sequelize
npm install @libstack/data --save
So lets supose you have a Model on your application (Lets call it Address).
import {
} from 'sequelize-typescript';
import { City } from './City';
@Table({ tableName: 'address' })
export class Address extends Model<Address> {
id: number;
uuid: string;
@Length({ min: 3, max: 32 })
street: string;
number: number;
@ForeignKey(() => City)
city_id: number;
@BelongsTo(() => City)
And Address has a City
import { IsUUID, Model, PrimaryKey, Table, Column, Length, AutoIncrement } from 'sequelize-typescript';
@Table({ tableName: 'city' })
export class City extends Model<City> {
id: number;
uuid: string;
@Length({ min: 3, max: 32 })
name: string;
In the next section you will create a repository to retrieve data easily from these models above and you can define whatever interface you want and @libstack/data
will create the query only with the properties needed.
Creating Projections
You can create projections on your models to return from the API only what is important.
import { Property, Projection } from '@libstack/data';
export class CityResponse {
@Property uuid: string;
@Property name: string;
export class AddressResponse {
@Property uuid: string;
@Property street: string;
@Property number: number;
@Property city: CityResponse;
You can also change variable names if you want
import { Property, Projection } from '@libstack/data';
export class CityResponse {
@Property uuid: string;
@Property({ property: 'name' })
thisIsMyCustomName: string;
You can also map the values into other values
import { Property, Projection } from '@libstack/data';
export class CityResponse {
@Property uuid: string;
@Property({ property: 'name', transform: (value:string) => value === 'My Town' })
isMyTown: boolean;
Now, lets write the model and start using. You will need to create the Model class
import { DataModel } from '@libstack/data';
import { Address } from '../sequelize/Person';
class AddressDataModel extends DataModel {
constructor() {
Now lets start using the DataModel. The code bellow will return a list of the type you defined.
const dataModel: AddressDataModel = new AddressDataModel();
const result:Array<AddressResponse> = await dataModel.list({
projection: AddressResponse
And what about filtering? You can define criterias which are filters and some can be optional, some can be required.
import { Criteria, Operators } from '@libstack/data';
const { EQUAL, GREATER_THAN, ILIKE, LESS_THAN } = Operators;
export class AddressCriteria {
@Criteria({ property: 'address.city.name', operator: ILIKE })
city?: string;
@Criteria({ operator: EQUAL })
number?: number;
@Criteria({ operator: GREATER_THAN, property: 'number' })
numbers_higher_than?: number;
@Criteria({ operator: LESS_THAN, property: 'number' })
numbers_less_than?: number;
export class AddressUuidCriteria {
@Criteria({ operator: EQUAL })
uuid: string;
And now you can start creating filters
let result: AddressResponse [] = await dataModel.list({
projection: AddressResponse,
criteria: {
reference: AddressCriteria,
query: { number: 150 }
Or requesting a single row based on the AddressUuidCriteria
let result: AddressResponse = await dataModel.single({
projection: AddressResponse,
criteria: {
reference: AddressUuidCriteria,
query: { uuid: 'a1881f13-3f71-4771-9c3d-d3317c4cdaaf' }
All properties you define are sortable. All you need to do is use the sort on list.
let result: AddressResponse [] = await dataModel.list({
projection: AddressResponse,
sort: 'street'
You can request pages which will perform a count query based on the criteria (if there's one) and will create a paged result.
const result:Page<AddressResponse> = await dataModel.page({
pageSize: 1,
page: 1,
projection: AddressResponse,
A page have the following properties
"list": [],
"count": 0,
"page": 1,
"pages": 0