An extended Markdown interpreter for the creation of interactive online courses.
LiaScript/Editor is a special branch of LiaScript that can be used to easily create preview-plugins for different editor.
Current examples are:
liascript-preview: a plugin for the Atom editor
Code: https://github.com/andre-dietrich/liascript-preview
CodiLIA: a fork of the collaborative Markdown CodiMD
Code: https://github.com/liascript/codilia
install via npm:
npm i @liascript/editor
Note: The version information might look a bit different e.g.
. The second version mirrors current version of LiaScript, while the first number is referring to the changes of the editor-branch.
The project itself is a fully fledged LiaScript interpreter that runs on a website. Thus, if you have installed the editor version via npm, you can directly call the index.hml and add the url of your file to preview as a parameter:
It is recommended to use a separate webview or iframe for this task
<webview src="...index.html?file://.../Readme.md">
<iframe src="...index.html?file://.../Readme.md">
Whenever you want to trigger a reload, probably every time the the user saves the document, you only have to trigger a page reload and the entire content is parsed again.
Note: Since LiaScript also evaluates JavaScript code, it is always the most secure way of using iframes and webviews, since they decouple your editor from the LiaScript-view, furthermore webviews run within their own thread, so that your IDE does not have to share resources for editing and rendering.
However there are two additional features, that can also be used in conjunction with this branch...
To enable editor to preview navigation, you will have to identify the current
line-position within the editor that you want to see also on the preview.
Ideally this is triggered by (1) subscribing for a double-click event,
(2) identify the current cursor-position, (3.1) post a message to the
webview or iframe (3.2) or directly call liaGoto
let line = editor_.getCursorBufferPosition().row + 1
// 3.1
webview.contentWindow.postMessage({ cmd: 'goto', param: line })
// 3.2
The other way around works similar, you will have to overwrite internally
exposed global function liaGoto
and move your cursor to the provided line:
webview.contentWindow.LIA.goto = function (line) {
editor.setCursor({ line: line, ch: 0 })
Just-in-Time compilation
Instead of forcing the preview to reload all content, you can also use the experimental Just-in-Time compilation feature, to update the preview while typing.
It is recommended to load your document, as it was done initially in section Usage, to wait for the ready signal and then to apply an additional debouncer to minimize the update overhead and increase performance 😏
Similar to the previous example, there are two ways of updating the code, either
by messaging or by calling the exposed function jitLia
. isReady
will be
called by LiaScript if everything is set-up and the first instance of the course
was loaded and parsed.
let isReady = false
window.liaReady = function() {
isReady = true
let jit = function () {
webview.contentWindow.postMessage({cmd: "jit", param: editor_.getText()});
let jit = function () {
// atom example of a subscription to editor changes
if (isReady) {
debounce(jit, 500)
applies some form of dynamic parsing to increase the parsing speed and to minimize computational overhead. Thus, it is a bit tricky at the moment, if you are working with javascript that gets reevaluted on every change (for the visible slide).I would recommend two modes: load on save and jit and let the user decide, if possible.
Text2Speech output
Unfortunately, there is currently no general browser support for text2speech output. responsivevoice is applied by LiaScript as the default text2speech engine. It is free for non-profit & educational projects. However, you will have to provide a key for your project/website.
There are multiple ways s of injecting code, one way is to dynamically insert a new script to your document, as it is depicted below. (But you can also edit the index.html and add a script manually)
window.onload = function () {
let responsiveVoiceKey = '*******'
var script = document.createElement('script')
script.src =
'https://code.responsivevoice.org/responsivevoice.js?key=' +
// IMPORTANT: This is mandatory, otherwise responsiveVoice
// might not be initialized correctly!!!
script.onload = () => {
However, you can also use one of the following methods:
webview.contentWindow.postMessage({ cmd: 'responsivevoice', param: 'YOUR_KEY' })
Author: André Dietrich
eMail: [email protected]
Website: https://LiaScript.github.io