Vue plugin for inline replacement of SVG images with actual content of SVG files.
Vue plugin for inline replacement of SVG images with actual content of SVG files.
⚠ Reactive Vue bindings won't be transfered to SVG replacement.
SVG files should be optimized beforehand (e.g.: using SVGO or SVGOMG).
Placeholder images should be optimized beforehand (e.g.: using pngquant or TinyPNG / TinyJPG).
Table of contents:
Package managers
$ npm install vue-svg-inline-plugin --save
$ yarn add vue-svg-inline-plugin
Legacy browsers
<script src="//unpkg.com/vue-svg-inline-plugin"></script>
<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-svg-inline-plugin"></script>
Modern browsers
This version is not transpiled and does not include any polyfills.
<script src="//unpkg.com/vue-svg-inline-plugin/dist/vue-svg-inline-plugin-modern.min.js"></script>
<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-svg-inline-plugin/dist/vue-svg-inline-plugin-modern.min.js"></script>
Webpack based Vue projects (e.g.: Webpack or Vue CLI) and Vite projects
// Vue@2
// import basic Vue app
import Vue from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
// import Vue plugin
import VueSvgInlinePlugin from "vue-svg-inline-plugin";
// import polyfills for IE if you want to support it
import "vue-svg-inline-plugin/src/polyfills";
// use Vue plugin without options
// use Vue plugin with options
VueSvgInlinePlugin.install(Vue, {
attributes: {
data: [ "src" ],
remove: [ "alt" ]
// initialize and mount Vue app
new Vue({
render: h => h(App),
// Vue@3
// import basic Vue app
import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
// import Vue plugin
import VueSvgInlinePlugin from "vue-svg-inline-plugin";
// import polyfills for IE if you want to support it
import "vue-svg-inline-plugin/src/polyfills";
// initialize Vue app
const app = createApp(App);
// use Vue plugin without options
// use Vue plugin with options
app.use(VueSvgInlinePlugin, {
attributes: {
data: [ "src" ],
remove: [ "alt" ]
// mount Vue app
// Vue@2
// use Vue plugin without options
// use Vue plugin with options
VueSvgInlinePlugin.install(Vue, {
attributes: {
data: [ "src" ],
remove: [ "alt" ]
// initialize and mount Vue app
new Vue({ /* options */ }).$mount("#app");
// Vue@3
// initialize Vue app
const app = Vue.createApp({ /* options */ });
// use Vue plugin without options
// use Vue plugin with options
app.use(VueSvgInlinePlugin, {
attributes: {
data: [ "src" ],
remove: [ "alt" ]
// mount Vue app
Directive name can be changed via options.
<img v-svg-inline class="icon" src="./images/example.svg" alt="example svg image" />
Replaces into:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="..." class="icon" focusable="false" role="presentation" tabindex="-1">
<path d="..."></path>
<!-- ... -->
directive with sprite
~~⚠ Note, that for now, the
property is not being applied on the<svg>
link node.
This can cause issues when having icons differently sized in your UI.
For the most icon-systems, you can add aviewBox="0 0 24 24"
by yourself onto the<img>
node or useattributes.add
Fixed in version 2.1.0, use
<img v-svg-inline.sprite class="icon" src="./images/example.svg" alt="example svg image" />
Replaces into:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="..." class="icon" focusable="false" role="presentation" tabindex="-1">
<use xlink:href="#svg-inline-plugin-sprite-<NUMBER>" href="#svg-inline-plugin-sprite-<NUMBER>"></use>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- injected before body closing tag -->
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="display: none !important;">
<symbol id="svg-inline-plugin-sprite-<NUMBER>" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="...">
<path d="..."></path>
<!-- ... -->
Lazy loading
This plugin supports lazy (down)loading of SVG files. To enable it, rename src
attribute to data-src
. Please also provide placeholder image, which should be located in src
attribute to avoid broken image icons in browsers.
Default options
directive: {
name: "v-svg-inline",
spriteModifierName: "sprite"
attributes: {
clone: [ "viewbox" ],
merge: [ "class", "style" ],
add: [ {
name: "focusable",
value: false
}, {
name: "role",
value: "presentation"
}, {
name: "tabindex",
value: -1
} ],
data: [],
remove: [ "alt", "src", "data-src" ]
cache: {
version: "<PACKAGE_VERSION>",
persistent: true,
removeRevisions: true
intersectionObserverOptions: {},
axios: null,
xhtml: false
Defines directive name (lowercase string), which marks images you want to replace with inline SVGs.directive.spriteModifierName
Defines directive modifier name (lowercase string), which together withdirective.name
marks images you want to replace with inline SVGs using inline SVG sprites.attributes.clone
Array of attributes (lowercase strings) which should be cloned into SVG link node if using inline SVG sprites.attributes.merge
Array of attributes (lowercase strings) which should be merged.attributes.add
Array of attributes (objects with name (lowercase string) and value (string) properties), which should be added. If attribute already exists, it will be merged or skipped depending onattributes.merge
Array of attributes (lowercase strings) which should be transformed into data-attributes. If data-attribute already exists, it will be merged or skipped depending onattributes.merge
Array of attributes (lowercase strings) which should be removed.cache.version
Defines cache version (lowercase string or number).cache.persistent
Boolean. Cache downloaded SVG files into local storage.cache.removeRevisions
Boolean. Remove previous cache revisions from local storage.intersectionObserverOptions
Intersection observer options object for processing image nodes. This option is not validated. Official documentation.axios
Axios instance with pre-configured options. If omitted, new axios instance (if axios available) will be created. Official documentation.xhtml
Boolean. In XHTML mode attribute minimization is forbidden. Empty attributes are filled with their names to be XHTML-compliant (e.g.: disabled="disabled").
User-defined options are deep-merged with default options. Arrays are not concatenated.
Attributes options are executed in this order: clone > merge > add > data > remove.
Required polyfills for IE:
- fetch polyfill or axios library
- IntersectionObserver polyfill