Straightforward state management library for React.
Straightforward state management library for React. Featuring:
- Minimal API: The entire source code is 83 lines long. Feel free to copy it to your project instead of installing the package.
- There's no underlying store, it's like a shared
. - It helps you remove the complexity of state management by making you do thinks the react-way.
Getting Started
Install the package with your package manager of choice:
npm install @lfades/atom
pnpm add @lfades/atom
yarn add @lfades/atom
Now, create an atom and use it:
import { atom, useAtom } from '@lfades/atom';
const counterAtom = atom(0);
const Counter = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useAtom(counterAtom);
return (
<h1>Counter: {count}</h1>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count - 1)}>Decrement</button>
export default Counter;
That's it! It only takes a few minutes to understand what the library does so I encourage you to read the source code.
Why another state management library?
I think handling state should not be a complicated task. Current alternatives in React are either using React Context or some third party state management library. However, both have their own set of downsides:
React Context
A lot of times all that I want is a shared useState
between components, and atom
is exactly that. React Context can be overkill in these situations, because depending on the complexity of the app, you'll add more and more providers to handle simple states, it's common to end up with a long tree of providers that when you only use React Context to globally share state, because having a single provider for everything can be bad for performance.
One of the good use cases for React Context is when you need to change the state behind a tree of components based on some action or initial state, but a lot of times you won't need that, and if you do, you can store multiple atoms in React Context that can be individually subscribed to.
Third party state management libraries
In case you haven't noticed, this library takes a lot of inspiration from Jotai. That's intentional because I really enjoy the mental model of Jotai where the state works very similarly to React's useState
and you're encouraged to do most of the work inside your components, so you're always developing in the react way.
So why not just use Jotai instead? Well, Jotai does more than what I want it to do, like handling async operations, and it also allows for setters and state logic to live outside of your hooks/components, allowing you to create a separation between your state and your components that I don't consider to be a positive outcome.
Other popular state management libraries like Redux and Zustand are great but also introduce more complexity in order to handle features you might not need. For example, if you need to handle data fetching it's probably better that you use SWR. To handle promises the use hook.
How should I handle complex state mutations?
Create a hook that returns your mutation handlers that update one or multiple atoms. For example, I'm building an editor where you can select multiple components to edit them and this is the hook I created to handle the selection:
export function useComponentActions(componentAtom: Atom<EditorPageBody>) {
// This reads multiple atoms from React Context.
const { importsAtom, selectedComponentAtom } = usePageStore();
return useMemo(
() => ({
selectComponent() {
if (selectedComponentAtom.get() === componentAtom) return;
const component = componentAtom.get();
const imports = importsAtom.get();
const variantImport = imports[component.tag];
const componentData = variantImport
? getComponentData(imports[component.tag].fileName, component.tag)
: { commonProps: [], discriminators: {}, props: [] };
component.selectedAtom.set({ declaration: componentData });
[componentAtom, importsAtom, selectedComponentAtom]
The useComponentActions
hook returns a selectComponent
function that updates multiple atoms at once. You can mutate the atoms directly without having to subscribe to changes so whoever calls the function doesn't have to re-render, and every update generated here will re-render components subscribed to one of the atoms.
function atom<Value>(initialValue: Value): Atom<Value>;
Creates an atom with the given initialValue
import { atom } from '@lfades/atom';
const counterAtom = atom(0);
You can read the value of the atom without subscribing to it by using the get
atom.get(); // 0
Similarly, you can update the value of the atom with set
atom.get(); // 1
When you update the value of the atom, all components subscribed to it will re-render.
function useAtom<Value>(atom: Atom<Value>): [Value, (value: Value) => void];
Returns the current value of the atom and a setter function to update it. This also subscribes the component to the atom, so it will re-render when the atom value changes.
The setter returned by useAtom
is equivalent to atom.set
. So the following are equivalent:
import { useAtom } from '@lfades/atom';
const [count, setCount] = useAtom(counterAtom);
// ..
setCount === counterAtom.set; // true
const count = useAtom(counterAtom)[0];
// ..
Creating an atom inside a component
This is a valid use case, but be sure to use useMemo
to prevent the atom from being recreated on every render:
const counterAtom = useMemo(() => atom(0), []);
const [count, setCount] = useAtom(counterAtom);
An atom created this way will work similarly to useState
. However, you can pass down the atom through props and allow other components to subscribe to it if needed. This can prove particularly useful when combined with React Context.
The atom also has a unique identifier in
that you can use as thekey
function useSubscribe<Value>(
atom: Atom<Value>,
cb: SubFn<Value>,
deps?: DependencyList
): void;
Subscribes to the atom and calls the callback function with the new value whenever it changes.
import { useSubscribe } from '@lfades/atom';
useSubscribe(counterAtom, (value) => {
If the callback function has dependencies, you can pass them as the third argument:
(value) => {
console.log(value, dep);
function useHydrate(cb: () => void, deps: DependencyList): void;
Allows you to hydrate atoms, useful for updating atoms with data from the server. For example, we can have atoms be created and shared by a context provider, and hydrate them with server data:
// atoms-context.tsx
import { atom, useHydrate } from '@lfades/atom';
const atoms = { counterAtom: atom(0) };
export const atomsContext = React.createContext(atoms);
export function AtomsProvider({ children, data }) {
useHydrate(() => {
if (data) {
}, [data]);
return (
<atomsContext.Provider value={atoms}>{children}</atomsContext.Provider>
// page.tsx
import { AtomsProvider } from './atoms-context';
import { Counter } from './counter';
async function Page() {
const data = await fetchData();
return (
<Atoms data={data}>
<Counter />
The Counter
component can then get the atom from the context and subscribe to the atom:
// counter.tsx
import { useAtom } from '@lfades/atom';
import { atomsContext } from './atoms-context';
function Counter() {
const { counterAtom } = React.useContext(atomsContext);
const [count, setCount] = useAtom(counterAtom);
return (
<h1>Counter: {count}</h1>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count - 1)}>Decrement</button>
const counterAtom = atom(0);
After cloning the repository, install dependencies with pnpm
pnpm install
Make your changes and build the library:
pnpm build
# Or to watch for changes
pnpm dev
and then create a link for the package:
pnpm link --global
You can install the package in an app with:
pnpm link @lfades/atom
To remove the linked package run the following command:
pnpm uninstall --global @lfades/atom