A bundle of command line tools for Ops developers.
style guide
everything the user sees in the ops cli (including the docs!) is written in lower case
exceptions are made for proper nouns
removing casing as a concern makes the cli easier to interact with
run npm link to see your changes reflected immediately
in some cases, you may get this error -bash: ops: command not found
this is fixed by running npm i -g
all code connected to the index folder will be transpiled by Babel
the only features that won't work are import
- for those you have to stick with commonjs require
and module.exports
the ops cli is only meant to work on unix systems running node
there is a noticeable lag whenever i run ops anything. clearly some overhead config is being repeated, how can we get rid of that?
tab completion? https://www.npmjs.com/package/omelette
ops stack - get the current stack (will require some kind of cli authentication) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20430973/saving-cookie-with-curl-on-linux
ops morning - log the user in, pull from remote, start dev processes, on friday remind about timecard ops evening - sync code
ops sync - sync up with the current branch, git fetch new branches, prompt for a commit message with the results of git status
ops deploy (major|minor|patch) - update the version number, make sure jenkins is set to gzn, build, make updates ops build - like the above, except make sure jenkins is set to sbx - I'm sure there's a jenkins api
ops version - related to ops deploy, step the version forward, contribute to docs for that new version
ops clean - delete components that aren't being used anywhere unless they are more than just boilerplate
ops new (component|service|model...) - wire up a new whatever ops remove (component-name) - count all the uses of the component, prompt the user to confirm, and then remove it ops move (component-name) - prompt the user for a destination, then move the component
ops git shortcuts: checkout the current deploy branch commit feature/fix/chore/refactor syncw
ops config, automatically find the js repo
to do
- Figure out how to do basic authentication/ssh stuff
- Get bounce command working
- Get timecard command working
- Get root commands to display lists of sub-commands when none are provided
- Write rename script
I wonder if there's a way to make a more explicit router:
|_____ ...
| |
g dev
ops {
_ {
dev, dist, greet, version, stack...
generate {
component {
root, common...
dev {
config schema
// path to the ops client folder where
// the package json config lives
ops_client_path: String, // no default
// timecard information
timecard: {
constants: {
// ...
} // {}
data: {
} // {}
// the user's full name
name: {
full: String,
first: String,
last: String
}, // {}
// text editor to open new files in, one of "Sublime Text", "Atom"
preferred_editor: String, // "Atom"
// slack webhooks urls
slack_webhook_url: {
qa: String // no default