A React component library for WFAA forms
WFAA React Forms
Add an option to turn off validation to prevent rerenders?
Add single field messages to InputLists
Add descriptions to InputLists
Add linked field validation
Separate formSlice and fieldSlice
Handle different form methods
Add 'active' logic
- Add conditional logic.
- only submit active fields.
- only validate active fields.
Add Algolia Autocomplete
Add detached form
'No (remove) styles' through context
Fetch customizations
File uploads
CSS Layers
Throw error when value is passed (debug mode)
Validating spinner options (doesn't work for inline labels and non-text based inputs)
Custom input wrappers
Within a form, all input option ids (radio input/select input) must be unique!!! Should I throw an error or a message in the console? Or just document it.
With render props, you can run a hook in the same component as the form.
Fix id requirement for Radio and Select, since id comes from the options.
Autocomplete: A single hook to setup context/provider
- Do I wrap it in a reducer to add custom event handlers?
- Put all logic into a single folder since it is using a third-party
- Reduce the footprint of coupled components.
Autocomplete: A plugin approach to custom implementations
- TextArea error message top spacing.