LEAP Host SDK is a TypeScript library that helps your LEAP apps communicate easily with LEAP client applications.
LEAP Host SDK is a TypeScript library that helps your LEAP apps communicate easily with LEAP client applications.
How to install
This library should be installed as an npm package. We use semantic versioning so the best way to stay up-to-date without backward compatibility concern is to accept minor releases:
npm i @leapdev/leap-host
New changes in 3.0.0
Auth token, firmId and userId will no longer be provided in the context after you init the sdk, you can get the auth token by calling the getRefreshedAccessToken() method and get the firmId and userId from getDecodedRefreshedAccessToken().
How to use
In order to have all the features supported, please develop with the latest LEAP desktop 2.3 or above
The first thing you have to do is to initialise the SDK
import { LeapHostSdkFactory } from '@leapdev/leap-host';
const sdk = LeapHostSdkFactory.getInstance();
if (!!sdk) {
await sdk.init('LEAP auth clientId');
// IMPORTANT: please make sure you are using the correct clientId we provide for your app
This init
function returns a Promise
. We recommend that you do this initialisation once and cache the promise result in memory.
By awaiting the promise, you then have access to methods that perform actions in the LEAP client applications. Please refer to the API reference for all supported methods.
Abstracting LEAP context retrieval
A LEAP app needs to know the context of where its being loaded, e.g. the matterId where it is loaded, which record is being selected (if the current page in LEAP is a list), etc. The LEAP app is expected to retrieve the context object from the hosting LEAP client application. A connection between the LEAP client application and LEAP app is assigned a unique guid. The LEAP app can access this value via "appSessionId" property received.
The LEAP Host SDK abstracts the context retrieval process by presenting a unified API to the LEAP app. By calling the init function, the LEAP app will have access to the context object as follow.
import { LeapHostSdkFactory } from '@leapdev/leap-host';
const sdk = LeapHostSdkFactory.getInstance();
if (!!sdk) {
await sdk.init('LEAP auth clientId');
Obtaining LEAP Auth token
A LEAP app often needs to call the LEAP API Gateway services. To do so, you will need to init the sdk first then call the method below
// for best practise, just call this method whenever you need to use the access token, caching it is not recommeded
const accessToken = await sdk.getRefreshedAccessToken();
// or if you want to get the claims in the token you can go
const decodedAccessToken = await sdk.getDecodedRefreshedAccessToken();
Sending a command to the LEAP client application
A LEAP client applications (LEAP Desktop / Web / Mobile) accepts certain messages from LEAP apps and act upon them. For example, they can open a document or show a message box.
The LEAP Host SDK facilitates this process by exposing a set of semantic functions through which the LEAP app can invoke.
await sdk.init();
// open a message box in LEAP
sdk.system.alert({ message: 'Hello, world' });
// open a matter
// close the app
API reference
Create a time entry
createTimeEntry(request: CreateTimeEntryRequest): void;
Create a fee entry
createFeeEntry(request: CreateFeeEntryRequest): void;
Create a cost recovery
createCostRecovery(request: CreateCostRecoveryEntryRequest): void;
//Request example:
const request = {
Create an invoice
createInvoice(request: CreateInvoiceRequest): Promise<boolean>;
Create an office receipt
createOfficeReceipt(request: CreateOfficeReceiptRequest): void;
Create an office payment
createOfficePayment(request: CreateOfficePaymentRequest): void;
//Request example:
const request = {
Create an office payment request
createOfficePaymentRequest(request: CreateNewOfficePaymentRequestRequest): void;
Create an trust payment request
createTrustPaymentRequest(request: CreateNewTrustPaymentRequestRequest): void;
Create an office journal
createOfficeJournal(request: CreateOfficeJournalRequest): void;
Create a trust receipt
createTrustReceipt(request: CreateTrustReceiptRequest): void;
Create a trust payment
createTrustPayment(request: CreateTrustPaymentRequest): void;
Create a trust journal
createTrustJournal(request: CreateTrustJournalRequest): void;
Create trust to office
createTrustToOffice(request: CreateTrustToOfficeRequest): void;
Reload the financial summary
reloadFinancialSummary(request: ReloadFinancialSummaryRequest): void;
Reload the time fee list
reloadTimeFeeList(request: ReloadTimeFeeListRequest): void;
Reload the office ledger
reloadOfficeLedger(request: ReloadOfficeLedgerRequest): void;
Reload the anticipated payment list
reloadAnticipatedPaymentList(request: ReloadAnticipatedPaymentListRequest): void;
Reload the cost recovery list
reloadCostRecoveryList(request: ReloadCostRecoveryListRequest): void;
//Request example:
const request = {
Reload the trust ledger
reloadTrustLedger(request: ReloadTrustLedgerRequest): void;
Reload the controlled money list
reloadControlledMoneyList(request: ReloadControlledMoneyListRequest): void;
Reload the power money list
reloadPowerMoneyList(request: ReloadPowerMoneyListRequest): void;
Reload the transit money list
reloadTransitMoneyList(request: ReloadTransitMoneyListRequest): void;
Open a fee
openFee(request: OpenFeeRequest): void;
Evaluate paths
evaluatePaths(request: EvaluatePathsRequest): Promise<PathResult[]>;
//Request example:
const request = {
"executionContext": {
"matterGUID": "a4a9a42d-2dd8-48c4-bf06-b213369a5c84"
"paths": ["matter.clientList.{__id,__className,__fileOrder,__description,personList}", "matter.fileNumber"]
.then(response =>{
//handle the response here
Select card(s) from the list
selectCard(request?: SelectCardRequest): Promise<Card[]>;
Create a card
createCard(): Promise<CreatedCard[]>;
Open a card
openCard(request: OpenCardRequest): void;
Compose an email
composeEmail(request: CreateEmailRequest): void;
Create an appointment
createAppointment(request: CreateAppointmentRequest): void;
//Request example:
const request = {
"startDate": "2020-10-21T05:12:46.472Z",
"endDate": "2020-10-22T05:13:46.472Z",
Create a task
createTask(request: CreateTaskRequest): void;
//Request example:
const request = {
Preview a document
previewDocument(request: PreviewDocumentRequest): void;
Preview a Precedent
previewPrecedent(request: PreviewPrecedentRequest): void;
Edit a Precedent
editPrecedent(request: EditPrecedentRequest): void;
Get the details of a selected precedent
selectPrecedent(request: SelectPrecedentRequest): Promise<SelectPrecedentResponse>;
Create a document from a container
createDocumentFromContainer(request: CreateDocumentFromContainerRequest): void;
Create a document from a precedent
createDocumentFromPrecedent(request: CreateDocumentFromPrecedentRequest): void;
Open a document
openDocument(request: OpenDocumentRequest): void;
const request = {
Reload the document list
reloadDocumentList(request: ReloadDocumentListRequest): void;
Share documents
shareDocuments(request: ShareDocumentsRequest): void;
Share a folder
shareFolder(request: ShareFolderRequest): void;
Share an office statement
shareOfficeStatement(request: ShareOfficeStatementRequest): void;
Share a trust statement
shareTrustStatement(request: ShareTrustStatementRequest): void;
Open a table
openTable(request: OpenTableRequest): void;
Open a matter
openMatter(request: OpenMatterRequest): void;
//Request example:
const request = {
Select matter(s)
selectMatter(request?: SelectMatterRequest): Promise<Matter[]>;
Select staff
selectStaff(request?: SelectStaffRequest): Promise<Staff[]>;
MS Teams
Share a document
shareDocument(request: ShareDocumentRequest): void;
Share a matter
shareMatter(request: ShareMatterRequest): void;
Request a callback
shareMatter(request: RequestCallbackRequest): void;
Select person(s) from the list
selectPerson(request: SelectPersonRequest): Promise<Person[]>;
Open a person
openPerson(request: OpenPerson): void;
Reload document register list
reloadDocumentRegisterList(request: ReloadDocumentRegisterListRequest): void;
Reload power estate list
reloadPowerEstateList(request: ReloadPowerEstateListRequest): void;
Get schema list
getLists(request: GetListsRequest): Promise<SchemaResponse<SchemaList[]>>;
Customise list
customiseList(request: CustomiseListRequest): Promise<CustomiseListResponse>;
Open Twitter window
openTwitter(request: BaseRequest): void;
Close the current LEAP app
close(): void;
Hide the current LEAP app
hide(): void;
Show loading icon in LEAP
wait(request?: MessageRequest): void;
Hide loading icon in LEAP
resume(): void;
Show a message box in LEAP (Deprecated, replaced with openDialog)
alert(): void;
Show an error message in LEAP (Deprecated, replaced with openDialog)
error(): void;
Display a message on the dialog box in LEAP
openDialog(request: DialogRequest): void;
Open an URL in browser
openUrl(config: BrowserConfig): void;
//Request example:
const config = {
"url": "https://app.test.bylawyers.com.au/",
"openExternal": false,
"useNativeLoading": false
"width": 900,
"height": 500,
"minWidth": 800,
"minHeight": 400,
"maxWidth": 1000,
"maxHeight": 600,
"closeHandler": "jsFunction(parameter)",
"fixedWindowSize": false,
"independentWindow": false,
"windowTitle": "Good day"
Get host system info
getSystemInfo(): void;
Set window title
setWindowTitle(request: SetWindowTitleRequest): void;
Register a handler to trigger before closing a window
onBeforeClose(handler: () => Promise<boolean>): void;
Send a custom request object to the host
send(request: object, hasResponse?: boolean): Promise<any>;
Notify the host system when your app has finished loading (to avoid having different loaders from LEAP and your app)
finishLoading(): void;