Created with: - **React, Styled-Components** for creating and styling components, - **Jest**, **react-testing-library** for testing the components, - **Rollup**, **Babel** for bundling the library, - **Storybook** for live development and documentation ge
#@leagueapps/mc-core Shared Components Library
Created with:
- React, Styled-Components for creating and styling components,
- Jest, react-testing-library for testing the components,
- Rollup, Babel for bundling the library,
- Storybook for live development and documentation generation,
It would be disingenuous to claim that this was built from scratch. In fact it was built by first following the tutorial instructions in the Let's build React Components library!" tutorial on Medium.com and then significantly modifying and updating the library to suit our needs. Further documentation for the resulting library from which this work extends can be found at tfiechowski.github.io/react-sample-components-library