leafyGreen UI Kit Confirmation Modal
Confirmation Modal
View on MongoDB.design
yarn add @leafygreen-ui/confirmation-modal
npm install @leafygreen-ui/confirmation-modal
import ConfirmationModal from '@leafygreen-ui/confirmation-modal';
function ExampleComponent() {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
return (
<button onClick={() => setOpen(!open)}>Open Modal</button>
children: 'confirm',
onClick: () => setOpen(false),
disabled: true,
onClick: () => setOpen(false),
variant: 'default',
title="Confirm Title Here"
This is some description text, and it is extra long so it fills up this
modal. Another thing about the modals here. This is some description
text, and it is extra long so it fills up this modal. Another thing
about the modals here.
| Prop | Type | Description | Default |
| ---------------------------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| confirmButtonProps | ButtonProps
| The confirm button on the right. An object that accepts all Button props except variant
. The variant of the confirm button is controlled by the variant
prop. The text is confirm
by default but can by overridden with the children
property. | |
| cancelButtonProps | ButtonProps
| The cancel button on the left. An object that accepts all Button props. except children
. The text will always render cancel
and the onClick
property will also fire when the X
button, or backdrop is clicked. | |
| open | boolean
| Determines open state of Modal
component | false
| title | string
| Title text to display above the main content text. | |
| children | node
| Children that will be rendered inside <ConfirmationModal />
component. | |
| variant | 'default'
, 'danger'
| Sets the style variant. | 'default'
| requiredInputText | string
| If provided, a text prompt will be displayed and the confirmation button will be disabled until the text prompt is filled out with the required text. | |
| className | string
| Style to be applied to the container's root node. | |
| darkMode | boolean
| Determines if the component will appear in dark mode. | false
| onConfirm(Deprecated
) | function
| Callback that fires when the action is confirmed. This can be used to set the modal to be closed. @deprecated
- use confirmButtonProps
and pass the onClick
property | () => {}
| buttonText(Deprecated
) | string
| Text content of the confirmation button. @deprecated
- use confirmButtonProps
and pass the children
property. | |
| submitDisabled(Deprecated
) | boolean
| Determines if the submit button should appear as disabled @deprecated
- use confirmButtonProps
and pass the disabled
property | false
| onCancel(Deprecated
) | function
| Callback that fires when the cancel button, x button, or backdrop is clicked. This can be used to set the modal to be closed. @deprecated
- use cancelButtonProps
and pass the onClick
property | () => {}