Verify Solidity contracts on supported block explorers
yarn add @layerzerolabs/verify-contract
pnpm add @layerzerolabs/verify-contract
npm install @layerzerolabs/verify-contract
This package comes with a CLI interface:
npx @layerzerolabs/verify-contract --help
Using the CLI, contracts can be verified one network at a time.
Programmatic usage
The package provides two types of verification for hardhat deploy: target and non-target.
Target verification
This is suitable for verifying contracts that have been the compilation targets for a deployment, i.e. they have their own deployment file. This is the default and easiest case for which we know all the information we need from the deployment file.
import { verifyHardhatDeployTarget } from "@layerzerolabs/verify-contract";
// Programmatic usage allows for more fine-grained and multi-network verification
paths: {
deployments: "./my/little/deployments/folder",
networks: {
whatachain: {
apiUrl: "https://api.whatachain.io/api",
apiKey: "david.hasselhoff.1234",
// The filter option allows you to limit the scope of verification to
// specific contracts
// It supports several ways of scoping the verification:
// A list of case-sensitive contract names
filter: ["Factory", "Router"],
// A single contract name
filter: "ONFT1155",
// Boolean to toggle the verification as a whole
filter: false,
// A function that gets passed the contract name and an relative contract path and returns a boolean to signify the contract needs to be verified
filter: (name, path) => name.startsWith("Potato721"),
Non-target verification
This is suitable for verifying contracts that have been e.g. deployed dynamically from other contracts within the deployment.
In this case we need to know more information - the specific deployment file to use, the address of the contract and also its constructor arguments.
import { verifyHardhatDeployNonTarget } from "@layerzerolabs/verify-contract";
// Programmatic usage allows for more fine-grained and multi-network verification
paths: {
deployments: "./my/little/deployments/folder",
networks: {
whatachain: {
apiUrl: "https://api.whatachain.io/api",
apiKey: "david.hasselhoff.1234",
// The contracts array is used to pass the contract details
contracts: [
address: "0x0",
network: "whatachain",
// We'll need to pass the name of the deployment file to use (relative to the deployments path)
deployment: "OtherContract.json",
constructorArguments: [1000, "0x0"],
// In this case we'll need to pass a fully-qualified contract name
contractName: "contracts/examples/Pool.sol",
Default configuration
The package is preconfigured for scan API URLs for several well-known networks:
| Network | API URL |
| -------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| avalanche
, avalanche-mainnet
| https://api.snowtrace.io/api
| fuji
, avalanche-testnet
| https://api-testnet.snowtrace.io/api
| bsc
| https://api.bscscan.com/api
| bsc-testnet
| https://api-testnet.bscscan.com/api
| ethereum
| https://api.etherscan.io/api
| ethereum-goerli
| https://api-goerli.etherscan.io/api
| goerli
| https://api-goerli.etherscan.io/api
| fantom
| https://api.ftmscan.com/api
| fantom-testnet
| https://api-testnet.ftmscan.com/api
| arbitrum
| https://api.arbiscan.io/api
| arbitrum-goerli
| https://api-goerli.arbiscan.io/api
| polygon
| https://api.polygonscan.com/api
| mumbai
| https://api-testnet.polygonscan.com/api
| optimism
| https://api-optimistic.etherscan.io/api
| optimism-goerli
| https://api-goerli-optimistic.etherscan.io/api
| gnosis
| https://api.gnosisscan.io/api
| zkpolygon
, zkpolygon-mainnet
| https://api-zkevm.polygonscan.com/api
| base
, base-mainnet
| https://api.basescan.org/api
| base-goerli
| https://api-goerli.basescan.org/api
| zkconsensys
, zkconsensys-mainnet
, linea
, linea-mainnet
| https://api.lineascan.build/api
| moonbeam
| https://api-moonbeam.moonscan.io/api
| moonbeam-testnet
| https://api-moonbase.moonscan.io/api
| kava
, kava-mainnet
| https://kavascan.com/api
| kava-testnet
| https://testnet.kavascan.com/api