Meshery Design Embedding allows you to export a design in a format that can be integrated into websites, blogs, or platforms supporting HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This embedded version offers an interactive representation of the design, simplifying sharin
Meshery Design Embed Package
Meshery Design Embedding allows you to export a design in a format that can be integrated into websites, blogs, or platforms supporting HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This embedded version offers an interactive representation of the design, simplifying sharing with infrastructure stakeholders.
meshery-design-embed react component
This component is meant to facilate the usage of meshery embeddings inside react and its frameworks
Usage :
import MesheryDesignEmbed from '@layer5/meshery-design-embed'
function Design() {
return (
- embedScriptSrc: "Relative path to the exported design"
- embedId: "Emebedded design id"
- style: "Custom styles to the embeded design E.g. backgroundColor, textColor, etc"
Certain aspects of Meshery Designs and their visualization are not currently supported in embed mode (when a design is embedded into a webpage).
- Relationship: Singular Node inventory wallet (badge)
- Relationship: TagSets (BubbleSets)
- Component: Textboxes
- Function: Error badges based on validation checks
- Function: Component Locking (pinning a component in-place moving with edges; Automove)
- Function: Viewing component configuration
- Function: Viewing comments
Learn more about embedding Meshery Designs.