API helper to get info from bilibili.com
API helper to get info from bilibili.com
npm install @lawchihon/bilibili-api
Peer Dependencies
- @johman/helper: Joined mini functions to help minimize duplicated coding between projects.
- axios: Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.
- cheerio: Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
- lodash: A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras.
Note: Peer dependencies are required to be installed.
Note: All functions are returning in promise and optional to pass a custom axios instance
: Check if bilibili.com is accessible
const alive = await Bilibili.alive();
const alive = await Bilibili.alive(axiosInstance);
const alive = await Bilibili.alive({instance: axiosInstance});
: Get the filters that is using on bilibili.com
const filters = await Bilibili.getFilters();
const filters = await Bilibili.getFilters(axiosInstance);
const filters = await Bilibili.getFilters({instance: axiosInstance});
: Search for videos on bilibili.com
Note: Only 'keyword' is required in order to search for videos
Note2: 'page' must be >= 1
const videos = await Bilibili.getVideos(order, page, keyword, duration, typeId, instance);
const videos = await Bilibili.getVideos({order, page, keyword, duration, typeId, instance});
: Get the url to the flash video
Note: Either 'id'/'bvid'/'aid' is required in order to search for videos
Note2: 'page' must be >= 1
const playUrl = await Bilibili.getPlayUrl(id, bvid, cid, aid, page, instance);
const playUrl = await Bilibili.getPlayUrl({id, bvid, cid, aid, page, instance});
: Get the video info base on id/bvid/aid
Note: Either 'id'/'bvid'/'aid' is required in order to search for videos
Note2: If 'cid'/'page' is passed, it will return info for that cid/page specifically
const video = await Bilibili.getVideo(id, bvid, cid, aid, page, instance);
const video = await Bilibili.getVideo({id, bvid, cid, aid, page, instance});
Video format
// custom bilibili video id
id: String,
// previous bilibili video id
aid: String,
// new bilibili video id
bvid: String,
// title of video
title: String,
// name of video type
type: String,
// name of the author
author: String,
// id of the author
mid: String,
// video description
description: String,
// string of video picture link
picture: String,
// date of publish
publishDate: Number,
// array of tag name
tags: Array<String>
// number of views
views: Number,
// number of reviews
reviews: Number,
// number of favorites
favorites: Number
// array of page
pages: Array<VideoPage>
Video page format
Note: it is based on the video and added cid and playUrl info
// custom bilibili video id
id: String,
// previous bilibili video id
aid: String,
// new bilibili video id
bvid: String,
// use to identify video within
cid: String,
// title of video
title: String,
// name of video type
type: String,
// name of the author
author: String,
// id of the author
mid: String,
// video description
description: String,
// string of video picture link
picture: String,
// date of publish
publishDate: Number,
// array of tag name
tags: Array<String>
// number of views
views: Number,
// number of reviews
reviews: Number,
// number of favorites
favorites: Number
// array of page
pages: Array<VideoPage>
// url to the flash video
playUrl: String
// dash info for video
playInfo: Object
npm run test