This project is a library containing functions for easily configuring Webpack 5 for a TypeScript-based web application. The webpack configuration used by this library is based on the one used by the [Razzle](https://github.com/jaredpalmer/razzle) projec
This project is a library containing functions for easily configuring Webpack 5 for a TypeScript-based web application. The webpack configuration used by this library is based on the one used by the Razzle project, which as of this writing was no longer maintained. Up until creation of this library, Hatch relied heavily on the TypeScript features of Razzle directly. This library is a paring down of Razzle (with some enhancements) to include only what is needed by Hatch.
This library works best with the Heft Webpack Plugin. Here is an example Heft config using this plugin:
"$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/heft/v0/heft.schema.json",
"aliasesByName": {
"start": {
"actionName": "build-watch",
"defaultParameters": ["--clean", "--webpack5:serve"]
"phasesByName": {
"build": {
"phaseDescription": "This phase compiles the project source code.",
"cleanFiles": [{ "sourcePath": "dist" }, { "sourcePath": "build" }],
"tasksByName": {
"webpack": {
"taskPlugin": {
"pluginPackage": "@rushstack/heft-webpack5-plugin"
And here is an example webpack.config.js file (which is the default filename used by the above plugin) which makes use of this library:
'use strict';
const {createWebappConfig} = require("@launchtray/hatch-webpack-config");
module.exports = createWebappConfig({appDirectory: __dirname});
With the above setup, simple "build" and "start" scripts (to build production bundles, and to run a dev server, respectively) can be added to a project's package.json using the following Heft commands:
"start": "heft start",
"build": "heft build --clean",