Transforms data from contentful's structure to one which is expected by LastRev components
LastRev Contentful Adapter
Converts contentful data shape to one that is expected by LastRev components.
import Adapter from '@last-rev/adapter-contentful';
import config from './adapter-config';
import contentful from './contentfulApi';
const transform = Adapter(config);
export default async () => {
return transform(contentful.getGlobalSettings());
Confifg allows one to override specific field names for parsing URLs:
// defaults
urlMap = {},
linkContentType = 'elementLink',
sameWindowActionText = 'Open in the same window',
newWindowActionText = 'Open in a new window',
modalActionText = 'Open in a modal',
downloadActionText = 'Download',
manualEntryTypeText = 'Manual text entry',
contentRefTypeText = 'Content reference',
assetRefTypeText = 'Asset reference',
contentUrlLookup = {}
skipContentTypes = []
// example:
"urlMap": {
"pageGeneral": {
"url": "/[key]", // alweays use "key" for the slug here
"key": "slug" // this is what the next.js dynamic routing framework
// expects the param to be called
"pageRecipe": {
"url": "/recipes/[key]",
"key": "slug"
"linkContentType": "ElementCta"
URL lookup
The preferred method to generate the correct _href
and _as
properties for the content items is to pass in a contentUrlLookup property which maps a contentID to an object like this { href: '...whatever', as: '...whatever' }
. If this cannot be done, the old urlMap method is still supported.
skipping types
If for whatever reason we do not want to traverse items of a specific content type, just pass those content type IDs into the skipContentTypes