Typescript code generator for GraphQL
Lana Typescript Codegen
A CLI tool for generating typescript code based on graphql fragments/operations. It does not support all GraphQL features, in particular support for subscriptions is missing.
How it works?
The tool works on a target directory. It scans the directory for *.graphql files, then based on fragments/operations defined in those files it generates a bunch of typescript files. The resulting directory structure looks like this (in addition to *.graphql files):
<target directory>
├── fragments
│ └── <fragment-name>.ts
├── operations
│ └── <operation-name>.ts
└── types.ts
- types.ts - Contains all type definitions, tool doesn't use the .d.ts file, because all type definitions are scoped to that file.
- fragments/<fragment-name>.ts - Contains a definition for a single graphql fragment as a default exported string. Example:
export default "fragment MenuShort on StorefrontMenu {\n id\n name\n}\n";
- operations/<operation-name>.ts - Contains a definition for a sngle graphql operation as a default exported string, but with a type overload. The file includes and prepends all used fragments as well. Example:
import MenuShort from "../fragments/MenuShort"; import { GetMenuQueryMeta } from "../types"; export default ((MenuShort + "query GetMenu($shopID: String!, $id: String!) {\n storefrontMenus(shop_id: $shopID, ids: [$id]) {\n ...MenuShort\n }\n}") as unknown) as GetMenuQueryMeta;
This structure makes it webpack friendly. You only include what you use, and every fragment body is included exactly once.
The types.ts file mentioned above in addition to fragment type definitions contains meta types for operation definitions of the following form:
export interface GetMenuQuery {
storefrontMenus: Array<MenuShortFragment> | null;
export interface GetMenuQueryVariables {
id: string;
shopID: string;
export interface GetMenuQueryMeta {
__opType: GetMenuQuery;
__opVariablesType: GetMenuQueryVariables;
__tag: "graphql-operation";
The operation itself is type casted to its *Meta type. This allows you to build request handlers which are aware of both: the result of the operation and the variables the operation expects as input.
Install the tool locally or globally:
# local installation: npm install -D @lana-commerce/typescript-codegen # global installation: npm install -g @lana-commerce/typescript-codegen
Create a directory with some *.graphql files in it.
mkdir -p src/graphql
Write down some graphql fragments/queries to
. It's up to you how you want to organize your graphql files. It could beall.graphql
or something else. The tool will load all graphql files.fragment MenuShort on StorefrontMenu { id name } query GetMenu($shopID: String!, $id: String!) { storefrontMenus(shop_id: $shopID, ids: [$id]) { ...MenuShort } }
Run the tool! (example assumes global installation and proper PATH configuration)
lana-commerce-typescript-codegen src/graphql
You should see something like this:
[14:06:01.051] loading graphql file "src/graphql/all.graphql" [14:06:01.055] fetching schema via introspection query from "https://api.lana.dev/storefront.json" [14:06:01.534] writing data to file "src/graphql/types.ts" [14:06:01.535] writing data to file "src/graphql/fragments/MenuShort.ts" [14:06:01.535] writing data to file "src/graphql/operations/GetMenuQuery.ts"
Include fragments from other packages
To boost data reuse even further, the tool allows you to import fragment definitions from other packages.
TODO: how to include packages from other files?