MongoDB database adapter for Yjs
Mongodb database adapter for Yjs
Persistent MongoDB storage for y-websocket server. You can use this adapter to easily store and retrieve Yjs documents in/from MongoDB.
- This was once a fork of the official y-leveldb but for MongoDB
- This package is not officially supported by the Yjs team.
Use it (Installation)
You need Node version 16 or newer.
It is available at npm.
npm i y-mongodb-provider
Simple Server Example
There are full working server examples in the example-servers
import http from 'http';
import { WebSocketServer } from 'ws';
import * as Y from 'yjs';
import { MongodbPersistence } from 'y-mongodb-provider';
import yUtils from 'y-websocket/bin/utils';
const server = http.createServer((request, response) => {
response.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
// y-websocket
const wss = new WebSocketServer({ server });
wss.on('connection', yUtils.setupWSConnection);
* y-mongodb-provider
* with all possible options (see API section below)
const mdb = new MongodbPersistence(createConnectionString('yjstest'), {
collectionName: 'transactions',
flushSize: 100,
multipleCollections: true,
Persistence must have the following signature:
{ bindState: function(string,WSSharedDoc):void, writeState:function(string,WSSharedDoc):Promise }
bindState: async (docName, ydoc) => {
// Here you listen to granular document updates and store them in the database
// You don't have to do this, but it ensures that you don't lose content when the server crashes
// See https://github.com/yjs/yjs#Document-Updates for documentation on how to encode
// document updates
// official default code from: https://github.com/yjs/y-websocket/blob/37887badc1f00326855a29fc6b9197745866c3aa/bin/utils.js#L36
const persistedYdoc = await mdb.getYDoc(docName);
const newUpdates = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(ydoc);
mdb.storeUpdate(docName, newUpdates);
Y.applyUpdate(ydoc, Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(persistedYdoc));
ydoc.on('update', async (update) => {
mdb.storeUpdate(docName, update);
writeState: async (docName, ydoc) => {
// This is called when all connections to the document are closed.
// In the future, this method might also be called in intervals or after a certain number of updates.
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// When the returned Promise resolves, the document will be destroyed.
// So make sure that the document really has been written to the database.
server.listen(port, () => {
console.log('listening on port:' + port);
persistence = MongodbPersistence(connectionLink: string, options: object)
Create a y-mongodb-provider persistence instance.
import { MongodbPersistence } from 'y-mongodb-provider';
const persistence = new MongodbPersistence('connectionString', {
- collectionName
- Name of the collection where all documents are stored
- Default:
- flushSize
- The number of transactions needed until they are merged automatically into one document
- Default:
- multipleCollections
- When set to true, each document gets an own collection (instead of all documents stored in the same one)
- When set to true, the option collectionName gets ignored.
- Default:
- Note: When you dont set this setting to true, you should create an index for your MongoDB collection.
persistence.getYDoc(docName: string): Promise<Y.Doc>
Create a Y.Doc instance with the data persistet in MongoDB. Use this to temporarily create a Yjs document to sync changes or extract data.
persistence.storeUpdate(docName: string, update: Uint8Array): Promise
Store a single document update to the database.
persistence.getStateVector(docName: string): Promise<Uint8Array>
The state vector (describing the state of the persisted document - see Yjs docs) is maintained in a separate field and constantly updated.
This allows you to sync changes without actually creating a Yjs document.
persistence.getDiff(docName: string, stateVector: Uint8Array): Promise<Uint8Array>
Get the differences directly from the database. The same as
Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(ydoc, stateVector)
persistence.clearDocument(docName: string): Promise
Delete a document, and all associated data from the database.
persistence.setMeta(docName: string, metaKey: string, value: any): Promise
Persist some meta information in the database and associate it with a document. It is up to you what you store here. You could, for example, store credentials here.
persistence.getMeta(docName: string, metaKey: string): Promise<any|undefined>
Retrieve a store meta value from the database. Returns undefined if the
doesn't exist.
persistence.delMeta(docName: string, metaKey: string): Promise
Delete a store meta value.
persistence.getAllDocNames(docName: string): Promise<Array<string>>
Retrieve the names of all stored documents.
persistence.getAllDocStateVectors(docName: string): Promise<Array<{ name:string,clock:number,sv:Uint8Array}
Retrieve the state vectors of all stored documents. You can use this to sync two y-mongodb-provider instances.
!Note: The state vectors might be outdated if the associated document is not yet flushed. So use with caution.
persistence.flushDocument(docName: string): Promise
Internally y-mongodb stores incremental updates. You can merge all document updates to a single entry. You probably never have to use this.
persistence.destroy(): Promise
Close the database connection for a clean exit.
It is recommended that you create the following compound index on your MongoDB collection to improve query performance:
version: 1,
docName: 1,
action: 1,
clock: 1,
part: 1,
An other example
bindState: async (docName, ydoc) => {
const persistedYdoc = await mdb.getYDoc(docName);
// get the state vector so we can just store the diffs between client and server
const persistedStateVector = Y.encodeStateVector(persistedYdoc);
/* we could also retrieve that sv with a mdb function
* however this takes longer;
* it would also flush the document (which merges all updates into one)
* thats prob a good thing, which is why we always do this on document close (see writeState)
//const persistedStateVector = await mdb.getStateVector(docName);
// in the default code the following value gets saved in the db
// this however leads to the case that multiple complete Y.Docs are saved in the db (https://github.com/fadiquader/y-mongodb/issues/7)
//const newUpdates = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(ydoc);
// better just get the differences and save those:
const diff = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(ydoc, persistedStateVector);
// store the new data in db (if there is any: empty update is an array of 0s)
if (diff.reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => previousValue + currentValue, 0) > 0)
mdb.storeUpdate(docName, diff);
// send the persisted data to clients
Y.applyUpdate(ydoc, Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(persistedYdoc));
// store updates of the document in db
ydoc.on('update', async (update) => {
mdb.storeUpdate(docName, update);
// cleanup some memory
writeState: async (docName, ydoc) => {
// This is called when all connections to the document are closed.
// flush document on close to have the smallest possible database
await mdb.flushDocument(docName);
We welcome contributions! Please follow these steps to contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Set up your development environment:
npm install
. - Make your changes and ensure tests pass:
npm test
. - Submit a pull request with your changes.
To run the test suite, use the following command:
npm test
y-mongodb-provider is licensed under the MIT License.