The Super lightweight library to handle WebStorage more easily.
This is a super lightweight library to handle WebStorage more easily.
What you can do
- To access flexibly to WebStorage with JSON structure and Layered-String-Key
- To register event listener with Layered-String-Key
What is Layered-String-Key?
Layered-String-Key is a very simple way to access object or primitive in JSON.
Layered-String-Key is composed with Separotor and KeyValueSeparotor
For example, you have a JSON object like this
"users": [
"id": 1,
"name": "kzkymur",
"job": "student"
"id": 2,
"name": "ringring",
"job": "student"
and '-' Separotor, ':' KeyValueSeparotor.
- if you wanna get a user's name id = 1, Layered-String-Key will be
npm i @kzkymur/storage
How to use
Assume that your localStorage is registered with the previous example JSON.
Vanilla Js
import StorageJs from "@kzkymur/storage";
const storage = new StorageJs({
storage: winodw.localStorage || window.sessionStorage, // or your original instance implement localStorage interface
name: "test",
// These are optional. A comlex value will be better if you set.
separotor: "-",
keyValueSeparator: ":",
// get method
const [name] = storage.get("users", "id:1", "name");
const [nameByJoinedStringKey] = storage.get("users-id:1-name");
const [nameByIndex] = storage.get("users-0-name");
console.log(name); // "kzkymur".
console.log(name === nameByJoinedStringKey); // true.
console.log(name === nameByIndex); // true.
console.log(storage.get("users-job:student-name")); // ['kzkymur', 'ringring']
// set method
storage.set("kzkymur2", "users", "0", "name");
console.log(storage.get("users", "id:1", "name")[0]); // "kzkymur2"
storage.set("teacher", "users-job:student-job");
console.log(storage.get("users-job:teacher-name")); // ['kzkymur', 'ringring']
// push method
storage.push({ id: 3, name: "ta1ch" }, "users");
console.log(storage.get("users", "id:3", "name")); // ['ta1ch']
// remove method
storage.remove("users", "0");
console.log(storage.get("users", "id:1")); // []
// eventListener
const handler = console.log;
storage.addEventListener("users-id:1", handler, {
parent: false,
children: true,
storage.set("kzkymur2", storage.concatLayeredKeys("users", "id:1", "name")); // console.log({ id: 1, name: "kzkymur2" }); is fired because children flag true
const unregister = storage.registerEventListener("users-id:2-name", handler, {
parent: true,
children: false,
{ id: 2, name: "ringring2" },
storage.concatLayeredKeys("users", "id:2")
); // console.log("ringring2"); is fired because parent flag true
more information is written in test/index.test.ts
so plz refer to it.
React Custom Hooks
import StorageJs from "@kzkymur/storage";
import { useStorageUnique } from "@kzkymur/storage/react";
// or
// import { useStorageUnique } from "@kzkymur/storage/dist/react";
// We recommend to be outside of Component
const storage = new StorageJs({
storage: winodw.localStorage || window.sessionStorage,
name: "test",
const MyComponent = (props) => {
const [user, setUser] = useStorageUnique(storage, `users-id:${props.id}`);
const updateUserName = (name: string) => {
setUser({ ...user, name });
return (
<p> id : ${user.id} </p>
<p> name: ${user.name} </p>
Future work
- Strong Type Gaured
- Error Handle
- More Test cases and Examples
- More React custom hooks
- Optimization for Event Listener
- Function to Get and Set root JSON
I'll be happy if you contribute this!