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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Consolidate superior random number projects in the community into a unified API to reduce the learning curve.





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📝 Why Develop It?

  • There are many excellent random-related projects in the community, each with its own style and usage method, which are not unified. Also, using different random functions in projects often requires including multiple libraries; they are not quite suitable for me.
  • Many projects are also "outdated," no longer maintained, which also shows from another perspective that these excellent community projects are robust enough!

📝 Why Use It?

  • Entirely composed of functions, simple to use, and very low learning cost.
  • Implemented with modern ES6 features.
  • Avoids recursion as much as possible for higher efficiency and to avoid edge cases.
  • Avoids throwing exceptions whenever possible, similar to '1' + 1 === '11', instead of throwing an error.
  • Supports integer random, floating-point random, string random, etc.
  • Random number-related functions incorporate the decimal.js package, avoiding precision issues.
  • Supports on-demand import, esm modularization, and naturally supports tree shaking. Don't worry about the package size after bundling.
  • Also provides a commonjs (cjs) version following the commonjs specification.
  • Test coverage is 100%.

📝 Install


npm install @kwooshung/randoms


yarn add @kwooshung/randoms


pnpm add @kwooshung/randoms

📝 Functions

🚩 Random Numbers

✨ number code

Random numbers, supports both integers and floating-point numbers

💬 Parameters

 * Generate random numbers
 * @description If either the maximum or the minimum value is a decimal, the result is a decimal; otherwise, it's an integer
 * @param {number} maximum Maximum value
 * @param {number} [minimum = 0] Minimum value
 * @returns {number} Random number including minimum or maximum value
const number = (maximum: number, minimum: number = 0): number;

📄 Examples

import { number } from '@kwooshung/randoms';

number(10); // 0 ~ 10

number(10, 20); // 10 ~ 20

number(0.1, 1); // 0.1 ~ 1

number(0.5, 5.06); // 0.5 ~ 5.06

number(100, 200); // 100 ~ 200, auto detects max and min values

✨ numberStep code

Random numbers with step, supports integers and floating-point numbers

💬 Parameters

 * Generate random numbers with specified step size
 * @description If either the maximum, minimum, or step is a decimal, the result is a decimal; otherwise, it's an integer
 * @param {number} maximum Maximum value
 * @param {number} [minimum = 0] Minimum value
 * @param {number} [step = 0] Step size; if it is 0, the step size is unrestricted. For example, if minimum is 3, maximum is 10, and step is 2, the generated random number could be 3, 5, 7, or 9
 * @returns {number} Random number including minimum or maximum value
const step = (maximum: number, minimum: number = 0, step: number = 0): number;

📄 Examples

import { numberStep } from '@kwooshung/randoms';

numberStep(10); // 0 ~ 10

numberStep(10, 20, 2); // One of 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

numberStep(0.1, 1, 0.1); // One of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, ... 1

numberStep(0.5, 5.06, 0.5); // One of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, ... 5

numberStep(1, 5, 0.3); // One of 1, 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 2.2, 2.5, ... 4.9

numberStep(100, 200, 10); // One of 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, ... 200

✨ numberNonConsecutiveFn code

Random number function, supports integers, floating-point numbers, step size, and ensures consecutive calls are not repeated

💬 Parameters

 * Generate a non-consecutive random number function
 * @description If either the maximum, minimum, or step is a decimal, the result is a decimal; otherwise, it's an integer
 * @param {number} maximum Maximum value
 * @param {number} [minimum = 0] Minimum value
 * @param {number} [step = 0] Step size; if it is 0, the step size is unrestricted. For example, if minimum is 3, maximum is 10, and step is 2, the generated random number could be 3, 5, 7, or 9
 * @returns {() => number} Function that generates non-consecutive random numbers
const numberNonConsecutiveFn = (maximum: number, minimum: number = 0, step: number = 0): () => number;

📄 Examples

import { numberNonConsecutiveFn } from '@kwooshung/randoms';

const fn = numberNonConsecutiveFn(5, 10.5, 0.1); // 5 ~ 10.5, step size 0.1, consecutive calls won't repeat

fn(); // First call, suppose it's 8.1
fn(); // Second call, any number from 5 ~ 10.5 except 8.1

✨ numbers code

Random number array, supports both integers and floating-point numbers

💬 Parameters

 * Generate an array of random numbers
 * @description If either the maximum, minimum, or step is a decimal, the result is a decimal; otherwise, it's an integer
 * @param {number} maximum Maximum value
 * @param {number} [minimum = 0] Minimum value
 * @param {number} [count = 10] Array length
 * @param {number} [step = 0] Step size; if it is 0, the step size is unrestricted. For example, if minimum is 0, maximum is 10, and step is 2, the generated random number could be 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 * @returns {number[]} Array of random numbers
const array = (maximum: number, minimum: number = 0, count: number = 10, step: number = 0): number[];

📄 Examples

import { numbers } from '@kwooshung/randoms';

numbers(5); // [ 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 0 ]

numbers(10,5.2); // [ 5.8, 6.2, 9.7, 5.5, 7.9, 9.8, 10, 8.4, 6.1, 10 ]

numbers(10, 5.21, 3); // [ 9.73, 7.84, 6 ]

numbers(10, 5.21, 3, 0.1); // [ 5.88, 9.45, 7.55 ]

numbers(5.21, 20, 5, 0.5); // [ 13.07, 11.4, 11.94, 15.87, 19.35 ]

✨ numbersUnique code

Random non-repetitive number array, supports both integers and floating-point numbers

💬 Parameters

 * Generate an array of non-repetitive random numbers
 * @description If either the maximum, minimum, or step is a decimal, the result is a decimal; otherwise, it's an integer
 * @param {number} maximum Maximum value
 * @param {number} [minimum = 0] Minimum value
 * @param {number} [count = 10] Array length
 * @param {number} [step = 0] Step size; if it is 0, the step size is unrestricted. For example, if minimum is 0, maximum is 10, and step is 2, the generated random number could be 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
 * @returns {number[]} Array of non-repetitive random numbers
const unique = (maximum: number, minimum: number = 0, count: number = 10, step: number = 0): number[];

📄 Examples

import { numbersUnique } from '@kwooshung/randoms';

numbersUnique(5); // [ 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 0 ]

numbersUnique(1, 6, 10); // [ 1, 6, 5, 2, 4, 3 ]

numbersUnique(10, 5.2); // [ 9.1, 5.9, 9.6, 9.3, 10, 5.2, 8.7, 7.1, 7.4, 7 ]

numbersUnique(10, 5.21, 3); // [ 8.79, 8.7, 9.37 ]

numbersUnique(10, 5.21, 3, 0.1); // [ 7.91, 6.91, 8.11 ]

numbersUnique(5.21, 20, 5, 0.5); // [ 13.21, 14.21, 19.21, 11.71, 6.21 ]

🚩 Random Strings

✨ string code

Generate random strings

💬 Parameters

 * Generate random strings
 * @param {number} [length = 10] Length of the random string
 * @param {string} [typeString = '*'] String representing character types, defaults to all types; *=all a=lowercase A=uppercase 0=numbers !=special characters `~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|;:\`'",.<>?`
 * @returns {string} Generated random string
const string = (length: number = 10, typeString: string = '*'): string;

📄 Examples

import { string } from '@kwooshung/randoms';

string(); // 'wj_'P?"I5f'

string(5); // '_@pDQ'

string(5, 'a'); // 'myfqi'

string(5, 'A'); // 'YZRJS'

string(5, '0'); // '28653'

string(5, '!'); // '*'_{-'

string(5, 'aA0!'); // 'ODL$A'

string(3, 'abcdef'); // 'ffd' When typeString includes characters not in the presets (*aA0!), it generates a random string completely based on characters in typeString

✨ stringNonConsecutiveFn code

random string function, ensures consecutive calls are not repeated

💬 Parameters

 * Generate a non-consecutive random string function
 * @param {number} [length = 10] Length of the random string
 * @param {string} [typeString = '*'] String representing character types, defaults to all types; *=all a=lowercase A=uppercase 0=numbers !=special characters `~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|;:\`'",.<>?`
 * @returns {() => string} Function that generates non-consecutive random strings
const nonConsecutiveFn = (length: number = 10, typeString: string = '*'): () => string;

📄 Examples

import { stringNonConsecutiveFn } from '@kwooshung/randoms';

const fn = stringNonConsecutiveFn(5); // Function generating non-consecutive random strings

fn(); // First call, suppose it's 'ODL$A'
fn(); // Second call, definitely not 'ODL$A', but another random string

✨ strings code

Array of random strings

💬 Parameters

 * Generate an array of random strings
 * @param {number} [length = 10] Length of each string
 * @param {string} [typeString = '*'] String representing character types, defaults to all types; *=all a=lowercase A=uppercase 0=numbers !=special characters `~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|;:\`'",.<>?`
 * @param {number} [count = 10] Array length
 * @returns {string[]} Array of random strings
const array = (length: number = 10, typeString: string = '*', count: number = 10): string[];

📄 Examples

import { strings } from '@kwooshung/randoms';

strings(); //[ '=<lNy&6}tX', '+0LhawO:vy', 'E0#;m,(6_z', 'y_-4",Q86G', '0gR1Ey&(:@', ';!}b@Xt,W=', 'l>&8&AQXx6', 'hNGggrYYE6', '$-cm9])G}a', '=<lNy&6}tX' ]

strings(5); //[ 'Wc^n*', '<zs>w', 'g,ztj', 'rq*u5', '%X%mV', ']5"j(', 'tg(|N', "ES*'}", 'F#[aO', '+pEWC' ]

strings(5, '*', 5); // [ '`<Q-$', 'mjo$G', '](]ZG', '#Mz;k', "Tu:'X" ]

strings(5, 'a', 5); // [ 'xamss', 'rupru', 'sugpq', 'rupru', 'sqdia' ]

strings(5, 'A', 5); // [ 'OQQWJ', 'FIGWH', 'KLMUM', 'PETHQ', 'JSNDT' ]

strings(5, '0', 5); // [ '01965', '89936', '40767', '01965', '41423' ]

strings(5, '!', 5); // [ '<"~@#', '!$.{:', '#:|=&', '~%)[}', '!-.(:' ]

strings(5, 'aA0!', 5); // [ "$6['n", '|9)%y', 'DHshL', '$*Aq4', '!-y0;' ]

strings(5, 'abcdef', 5); // [ 'cebcf', 'fcdcc', 'fdfad', 'dbdca', 'eabaf' ]

stringsUnique code

Non-repetitive array of random strings

✨ Parameters

 * Generate an array of non-repetitive random strings
 * @param {number} length Length of each string
 * @param {string} [typeString = '*'] String representing character types, defaults to all types; *=all a=lowercase A=uppercase 0=numbers !=special characters `~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|;:\`'",.<>?`
 * @param {number} count Array length
 * @returns {string[]} Array of non-repetitive random strings
const unique = (length: number, typeString: string = '*', count: number = 10): string[];

📄 Examples

import { stringsUnique } from '@kwooshung/randoms';

stringsUnique(); // [ 'j2@fe[<3TC', '5+YS{AE9*3', 'j(i^K$gInO', 's[SDxo{"GE', 'D%aG!$t4,O', '=pX;Tr8m[|', '6%eV.K&Ri=', '3,~KZah-S3', 'N?v7BAxBc=', '"*cj0mf3.S' ]

stringsUnique(5); // [ 'oORhU', 'm?A00', 'KTT+*', 'q]v6`', 'S!:T.', 'hHV8;', 'd$NO9', '^7Env', 'qXYvB', '6xJ}U' ]

stringsUnique(5, '*', 5); // [ 'Bt4my', 'ZLU5M', 'z{d?I', 'qQzX,', 'g_QC`' ]

stringsUnique(5, 'a', 5); // [ 'qjrjm', 'yfcdw', 'tyxyi', 'erpfp', 'zbnbn' ]

stringsUnique(5, 'A', 5); // [ 'RTJGF', 'JNSGO', 'LEMZN', 'DFOSS', 'KIALK' ]

stringsUnique(5, '0', 5); // [ '19324', '34616', '56904', '65349', '95205' ]

stringsUnique(5, '!', 5); // [ ']+!)-', '>^[%(', '=+`({', '-|@(`', '@#"},' ]

stringsUnique(5, 'aA0!', 5); // [ '65$DH', 'jOQe<', 'VZ"7s', '.d`N&', 'y?U5B' ]

stringsUnique(5, 'abcdef', 5); // [ 'adfda', 'ebbcc', 'dfadc', 'bebee', 'fbdbe' ]

stringsUnique(5, 'abcdef', 100);
// Non-repetitive combinations, totaling 7776
// [
//   'bdcfe', 'ddaec', 'beaff', 'dfbed', 'eeeda', 'badad',
//   'dbaae', 'efeec', 'bbcac', 'bbffc', 'eebae', 'accdf',
//   'cbaac', 'cdfee', 'cffae', 'bcfcc', 'ccbea', 'bffef',
//   'fbdfd', 'beaaf', 'afbdb', 'dbbba', 'dabad', 'acefd',
//   'afcac', 'baedd', 'ccfaa', 'ffacf', 'dcafc', 'edeef',
//   'beefe', 'faeea', 'fbffa', 'eebda', 'ededb', 'dcdbd',
//   'babcf', 'caaca', 'ccaba', 'caecd', 'ebecc', 'cbdff',
//   'edefb', 'bbebf', 'cabff', 'eecec', 'fedbe', 'bdecd',
//   'eebeb', 'affbf', 'fdcfb', 'dbfef', 'cfccf', 'cbdce',
//   'fddbb', 'beabc', 'efced', 'baadc', 'adedd', 'ffbfd',
//   'bbafa', 'ccfdf', 'bcddd', 'ccdff', 'ceafd', 'daebd',
//   'dafcf', 'aeacd', 'effaa', 'afecf', 'ecafb', 'bdcad',
//   'deeba', 'dadcc', 'fbcbc', 'caedb', 'bfafb', 'dedca',
//   'aefcc', 'fceca', 'afdbb', 'eeaac', 'ecbad', 'dcaea',
//   'affcf', 'fcdec', 'adced', 'eaddd', 'bcbbe', 'fedee',
//   'cabad', 'ebdfb', 'bebca', 'adcaf', 'afade', 'feafb',
//   'aebdc', 'fedcf', 'aaafa', 'bbddf'
// ]

stringsUnique(3, 'abc', 100);
// Non-repetitive combinations, totaling 27
// [
//   'bbc', 'ccc', 'bcb', 'bac',
//   'abc', 'aca', 'cba', 'bcc',
//   'cbc', 'aac', 'acc', 'caa',
//   'bba', 'abb', 'cac', 'aab',
//   'cbb', 'bca', 'bab', 'acb',
//   'bbb', 'ccb', 'baa', 'cca',
//   'aba', 'aaa', 'cab'
// ]